Percy and Patrick

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On Sodor, Percy was one of the more loved engines. His charm really made people love him so much. He's lived a good life on Sodor. He works hard and gets along with his friends, especially his sweet love James. But he does have some straws, mainly that he gets into a lot of accidents and can get scared pretty easily. But in the past few years, he has been able to let those problems get past him, mainly thanks to help and support from James and his driver Patrick.

Patrick is the twin brother of Tyler, and is seen as the more goofy brother. Despite that, he loves his job so much. He loves singing, dancing, and of course he loves Percy. Him and Percy have a great relationship like many of the others. The two can get into some spits, but they're usually able to fix those thanks to their kindness.

Whenever Percy ends up in trouble Patrick is always there to help his small brave engine. Patrick at this point even sees Percy as a son to him.

Today, Percy was excited to travel with animals all day, and he would be taking them to and from the zoo. Animals was his favorite, he even made some animal friends.

At the zoo, Percy was waiting for the animals to get boarded. Patrick was in his cab writing something.

" Hey Patrick? " - Percy

" Yeah buddy. " - Patrick

" Can you tell me where the biggest zoo in the world is? " - Percy

" You'll need to ask Ginny that, cause she has all the brains. " - Patrick

" You have a phone. " - Percy

" That is broken. " - Patrick

Percy rolled his eyes and laughed, he was still excited.

After all the animals got boarded, Percy was given the signal, but not all the cars were secured. But Percy was so excited and ready already that he started to move.

" Wait! Hold up. " - stationmaster

Percy heard and stopped, thankfully not too hard. But his stop did cause one of the cars to break a bit, but no one noticed.

" Sorry. What happened? " - Percy

" Not all the cars are ready yet. " - stationmaster

Percy blushed in embarrassment.

" Don't worry buddy. Those animals will still enjoy the ride. " - Patrick

Percy smiled again and waited for all the cars to be secured. Once they were, he was given a thumbs up and Percy whistled and headed off. But one of the cars did have a broken hole on the side of it, and the stationmaster noticed once Percy left and tried to scream out for him, but was too far away.

Percy was on his way to the 1st station, and that hole in the car was noticed by the pigs and chickens that were in that specific car. The hole was pretty big enough for those animals to jump out from.

Percy whistled 3 three times and that caused a pig, a chicken, and another pig to jump out. No one saw it.

Percy then arrived at the 1st station. Animals from other cars were taken in and things were looking very good.

As Percy was waiting, a bird came down from a tree and ended up landing on Percy's nose. He was shocked but also giggled. Patrick saw and was perplexed.

" Animals really like you Percy. You're like Snow White, except you're not painted white, so Snow Green. " - Patrick

" I'd rather just go with white. " - Percy

" Copy that. " - Patrick

The bird on Percy's nose chirped and flew away nicely.

" Goodbye Mr.Bird. " - Percy

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