Annie, Clarabel, and Anne Claire

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Annie and Clarabel were Thomas's nice and trusty coaches. They have lots of fun working and being with Thomas. While they don't approve of Thomas's cheekiness, but they still adore and respect him for what he has done for them. While the two sisters enjoy and love Thomas, there's someone else who they don't really have a friendly bond with.

That would be their own guard, Anne Claire. She was by far the most aggressive member of the Steam Team band. She even demanded to be part of the band, not because her boyfriend was Erik, but since she worked with them all the time, so she believed she was part of the group. They did let her in, but only to prevent her from doing something to them. Between working as Annie and Clarabel's guard, she was a very good worker, and she believed that too.

Despite that, she never talks or really says much to the sisters and just continues to do her job until it's over and then leaves. There have been times when the 3 talked together, but it was for very short times.

Today, Thomas was unfortunately sick and so someone else had to take Annie and Clarabel today, and the only one who was really available was James, and that terrified the sisters. Since he was originally their owner and he would always go too fast and that would make the girls very scared of getting damaged.

Anne Claire was also not happy either, since she had worked with James one time and he was far too much for her to handle, so she's hoping he doesn't do it again. That was very slim though.

" James is coming Annie. Are you ready? " - Clarabel

" I hope so. I'm not ready for this. " - Annie

" Me too. " - Clarabel

The two were clipped in and James already was off, scaring the two.

" Yeah! " - James

The girls yelled and that caused Anne Claire to fall off her chair and she got up angry and pulled the emergency brake. That made the passengers angry, but James was the reason for it.

Anne jumped down and went to James.

" Listen red. You're gonna knock it off and go at regular speed. You hear me? " - Anne Claire

" Why are......" - Jake

" Zip it dimples. " - Anne Claire

Jake touched his cheeks in shame.

" You got me James? " - Anne Claire

" Of course, ma'am. " - James

Not exactly the response Anne wanted, but she went back to her position and if James did it again, she would have to get more aggressive then.

" Are you OK Claire? " - Annie

" Yeah, I am. " - Clarabel

" No, I meant Anne. " - Annie

" Oh. " - Clarabel

" Yeah I'm fine. Just try not to talk to me so much and also don't scream a lot. " - Anne Claire

The two didn't like that, and it would be hard for them not to talk or scream if James continues to go off. Anne had scolded at them before, but they were usually able to take it.

James was now going at regular speed, which he thought was boring as heck to him. He never went this slow with his regular coaches. However, Annie and Clarabel now thought he was going too slow now.

" I think we're going too slow Annie. " - Clarabel

" Yes we are, way too slow. " - Annie

Anne Claire groaned to herself. She's usually able to handle them talking like this, but today, not so much.

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