Chapter: 5

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Bella's PoV

Soft, feels great.

Then my eyes shot open quickly, I sat up as I looked around to know where I am... I-I' Pearl's room? It's dark outside.

But what I'm doing here? Who bought me here? Obviously, only Pearl can bring me here. But Steve and Antonio can come up here too, right?

"You are up!" a husky low voice spoke.
Pearl was there, on the corner, doing something in his laptop, he was wearing black glasses, that's suits him very well.

Holy fuck! What time is it?

"Pearl! Oh my, I'm so sorry about what happened." I panicked, jumping out of the bed. "I-I don't want to create any scene--"

"Bella." Pearl was already standing in front of me when I noticed it. His face was so close to mine then I felt even warmer when his hand cupped my cheeks and I inhaled his manly scent. I bit my lip to control my little temptation coming out. "Calm down." He whispered.

"It wasn't my fault, Pearl....they were throwing me out and didn't believe me that I'm your wife--" tears started to escape my eyes.

"Shhh.." he whispered, calming me down while his hand massaging my back and my nape. "Bella, calm down."

I sobbed and some hiccup escape my mouth. This trash thing really made my self esteem go down. "Pearl-"

"I know what happened, Bella. Stop crying." He whispered, shushing me and rest his forehead on mine. "It's not your fault." He calmed me down and pulled me into his chest. The way my body perfectly fit in his arms I felt that it made for him only.  "I already finished them."

"What do you mean finished them?" I broke the hug looking at him. "Oh my God, did you kill them?" My eyes widen in surprise.

"Stupid, I just fired them." He spat, stepping back. "I already announced at the hotel that I got married and they will treat my wife with full respect or they will be done."

"Jesus, you don't have to do that." I said frowning because I think he's over reacting.

"I wanted to." He said taking me by surprise. No one has ever done something for me except Emily, but this man standing infront of me... Geez, stop it Bella. Stop it!

"Have you eaten Bella?" He said and sat on the couch crossing his leg looking directly into me.

"H-huh?" Is he really asking me that? Whoa The great Pearl Salvatore has heart!

"Have you eaten yet?" He repeated again. I shook my head slowly. Eating dinner is something I rarely do. We didn't have enough to buy proper food.

"Come." He stood up and hold my hand as we walk out of the room. His hands were so soft and warm giving me chills.

"Here." He said and releases his hand from mine making me frown. I love how my hand fits his. My eyes caught the delicious foods as my mouth watered.

"Eat, Bella."he told me.

Gosh, look at the meal! A whole roasted chicken, vegetable salad, some steaks, macaroni and cheesecake.

Oh my, I think I'm already full looking at all the wonderful foods.

"You cook?" I tilted my head to look at him.

"I don't cook, Bella. I have many people who can do that for me." He said, calmly.

"Eat up. We will discuss about our deal tomorrow morning. Right now eat...and have some rest." He told me before walking away without any single glance.

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