Chapter: 11

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Bela's PoV

"You are not gonna do what I think you are gonna do, right?" Steve watched me in disbelief.

"Flower, I would suggest you not to do that. It's dangerous. He wouldn't forgive himself if you get hurt in anyway because of him." Damon warned me. I felt a churn in my stomach hearing that.

I smiled at them in assurance. "He won't hurt me." I don't know what made me say that but I meant every word what I said.

They shook their head but didn't stop me again.

I closed the door behind me as I stood there watching him literally shaking with anger with his back facing me.

"P-Pearl.." I whispered.

His whole body tensed as he curled his hand in fists, standing still.

"Pearl, are you alright?" I took a step towards him cautiously.

"I wouldn't be here if I were in your place, sweetheart. I would suggest you to leave before I lose control." He said in a calm voice, very calm that erupted goosbumps on my skin. He has never talked to me like that. This cold.

"You would be the first person to be here if I were doing something that could hurt me in the process. Well, I wouldn't do something like this in the first place, smashing thing isn't a very enjoyable thing to do." I spoke with an even voice, satisfied with myself that it didn't waver.

He stayed quite. Only the sound of his heart breaths echoed in the office.

"I won't say twice. Leave!"

"No!" I stood my ground stubbornly.

"Not until you tell me what's bothering you. Why are you ignoring us? Why are you blocking everyone out?" I yelled but he didn't turn away.

"That's non of your business." He snapped making me flinch. He kicked the table near him breaking into pieces. I gasped. Is he drunk?

"P-Pearl, j-just calm down." My heart beat thumped in my chest loudly, my eyes wide.

He started disrupting the bottles of wines in his already broken bar, cutting his hand in the process.

"Pearl!" Gasping, I ran to him. "Be careful! See, what you did! What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled at his face.

He seemed shocked for a moment seeing my outburst but then his face turned dark again. He snatched his injured hand from me and that made me lose it.

"You are bleeding, dammit!" I yelled frustratedly.

"And you care, why?" He asked, finally looking at me.

I let out an unsteady breath, feeling a little bit nervous and sweaty in my palms.

"Well, because I do care about you. A lot." I said.

Something flashed through his eyes, something that made his eyes brighten but it was gone as soon as it came.

He turned again without uttering anything.

"What? You are not gonna say anything?" I asked.

He won't listen, would he? Then let's go with the hard way.

"Fine! You want to destroy things? So let me help you. You wanted to break these already broken bottles?" Without thinking, I took two in my hands.

His eyes widen as he clenched his sharp jaws, "Bella, put them down." He glared.

"Why? You wanted it." And with that, I threw them on the floor. And went for some more.

"Damn it woman! Stay away from them! You will get hurt!" He pulled me away from the bar.

"Are you stupid? What if you got hurt?" He yelled clutching my arms tightly. I tried to free myself but he's hold was firm.

"I'm not stupid, you are the one who's stupid.... how could you hurt yourself? Don't you care about Grace or Melissa, they were so worried. Are you that irresponsible? Even Damon would know better-"

I paused when I noticed his eyes go all dark mode.....He began to close the space between us but what I was quick to move back, not until my back hit a table.

My heart beat increased its pace when he finally stood dangerously close to me.

"If you like Damon so much, why don't you just go and fuck him... that's if you haven't already... have you?"

What the hell!

I scoffed. "So what if I have? I would rather give myself to that man than to are such a rude narcissistic bastard!"

His jaw clenched. "I should have known you were just like every woman! A whore, a slut who only goes after rich guys like me just for money, no wonder you didn't try to wanted my money? Is that all you want? I should have known when you agreed to be my wife. I was right, you are just a cheap slut-"

My palms connected with his cheeks, making my hand sting a little. "You might be drunk, but you have no right to say these things to me.... I'm not a slut!" My eyes burned with tears but I refused to let them fall, Pearl just stood there staring at me like a lost puppy, I could actually care less right now.

"You think I want to be here? I didn't ask for any of this - you were the one who forced me to marry you. I never asked you to bought me here, did I? I was beginning to think that you were different, I can't even believe I was actually worried about you?!"

I was hurt. I was really hurt by his words, really hurt! I know he's a asshole, a..jerk but little did I know he has soft heart. He's hiding his real self and I wanted to change him. I thought he would share his problem with me but no I was wrong. I needed to go far away from him before finally lose my temper.

"I have a life Pearl, a job, a best friend who is probably worried sick about me! I have bills to settle- I didn't just fall from heaven into your arms awaiting my punishment! You marry me because of some stupid business! I know nothing about it! You know what I don't need your pathetic money, neither do I even want to look at you right now!" I pushed passed him but he took hold of my arms and pulled me back to him.

"Let go of me!" I fought him off but he didn't budge.

"I'm sorry." He choked out....." I didn't mean to say those things.... I actually wanted you to hit me.... I needed it, but it didn't work " he said trying to make me stop fighting him.

"Let go off my arm Pearl!" I tried pushing him away. When I succeed, he grabbed me again before I could rush out.

"Please listen to me.. I really didn't mean to say those things...I just wanted to get a reaction out of you....I swear I didn't mean it- stop- fighting me off."

"Can you just hear me out for one second?!" He yelled this time expecting me to stop fighting him off, but I continued hitting his bare chest.

I actually didn't want to listen to anything he had to say, all I wanted was to leave this room and cry my freaking eyes out... I wouldn't want to come off as weak by crying infront of him..

I actually thought he was different, but I was wrong.... He was just like what he painted himself to be.

I was wrong when I said he would never hurt me.

He did!

Really bad!


Pearl screwed this time!
Really bad!

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