Chapter 6

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Yara's POV:

It didn't take us much time to get to the nearby village. Zuko motioned for us to stay as he got down the komodo rhino. He was back with that grim, grumpy face. On the other hand, Uncle seemed much better now. The pastries did its job well!

I then surveyed the village, it looked really damaged and needed immediate repairs. "Uncle, any idea what happened to this place?" I turned to ask him.

"If the Avatar were here, then it would've been him." Uncle guessed. "So you're saying he fought someone here... maybe to save the village?" I suggested.

"For someone being with my nephew, you think a lot differently than him." Uncle shook his head, but seemed impressed. "Let's give him sometime uncle, he might change too." I shrugged.

Just then, a loud crash caught my attention. I turned to the source to see Zuko standing over a man. And here I was, talking about him changing his mind!

"He could've just asked the man! Why all these unpleasantaries?" I complained. "I tried to talk about it, he just wouldn't listen. Well, he's been through so much to actually listen" Uncle sighed sadly. Unable to find a response, I just shrugged before turning to see Zuko.

"Having trouble sleeping? Seen the Avatar lately?" He asked, his voice threatening.

The man shook in fear as he answered. "Th-the Avatar is flying to the Crescent Island. He said he wanted to visit the Fire Temple." I let out a low gasp and uncle seem shocked too.

The Crescent Island was right inside the Fire Nation borders! It held a temple for Roku, the previous Avatar. So I guess this Avatar wanted to know something about his past life.

But the thing was that, being the banished Prince, Zuko was not supposed to enter the Fire Nation unless he actually has the Avatar or he'd be accused of committing treason!

I couldn't let Zuko do that, we had to let go this time. By the time, Zuko got on the rhino and rode it as fast as he could.

"You're not possibly thinking of going back, right?! Zuko?... Zuko!" I called out against the gushing wind but he was too busy thinking about something that could definitely not happen.

Before I knew, we were sailing with the Avatar hot on the trail and worse, towards the Fire Nation! I walked back and forth anxiously while uncle tried to convince Zuko to drop the chase.

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters..." Uncle said. "Of all the foolish things you have done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish."

"I have no choice, Uncle." Zuko replied, looking at the spyglass for the Avatar.

"You do, Prince Zuko. Just turn back so that we can save ourselves from the worst of troubles." I claimed.

Uncle nodded in approval before continuing. "Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?! What if you're caught?" His voice filled with concern.

Uncle was clearly aware of the consequences if we get caught. With Ozai being the one who banished Zuko, uncle knew Zuko would not be spared if he crossed the waters.

"I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home." Zuko said, confidently. For a moment, my heart ached for him. His father banished him when he was just thirteen, just because he spoke out of turn. Yet, he still believed Ozai would understand.

A part of me wanted to comfort him about this but the other just wanted to tell off how he blindly believed his father.

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type." Uncle shook his head, clearly disappointed.

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