Chapter 12

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I woke up quite early the next day, so I decided to meditate for a while before training. Some time later, I heard someone open the door. I didn't hear any knocking so I figured it must be Zuko.

I slowly opened my eyes and turned to see him. He was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Prince Zuko! To what do I owe you the pleasure?!" I mocked and sat on the bed, facing him.

"Ah for Agni's sake. Stop saying that! It feels ridiculous when you say it." He grunted beside me.

I always addressed Zuko with his title in public though he didn't want me to. And that wasn't the same case when we were alone or with uncle.

I laughed and punched his arm playfully. "Ow! And stop doing that!"

"Alright... alright." I stifled a laugh. "I guess you have something important to tell me since you don't usually meet me at this time."

"I do but I need you to go check your study table before that." He said and nearly pushed me off the bed with his leg.

I gave him a suspicious look before reaching the table. I saw a package which wasn't previously there.

"What is this?!" I asked Zuko, my voice filled with curiosity. "Open it." He said, as he sat up facing me.

I unwrapped the package quite unceremoniously and didn't care about the cloth. I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally unwrapped the package.

"It's... it's..." I was literally lost for words.

"A katana." Zuko finished as he stood beside me.

"I know! Wow!" I squealed and pulled the katana from its sheath. I gaped at the weapon as I looked it closely, it was simply magnificent!

"I had it forged... for you." Zuko said with a small smile, looking at my awestruck face. "And did you read the inscription on the blade?" He asked and I immediately did.

"If you can breathe, you can stand. If you can stand, you can fight."

"I wrote that myself." He prided. "Wow... just wow!" It really was a good one.

"Zuko, you're the best!" I grinned widely and literally jumped into his arms. He stumbled a bit at the sudden contact and awkwardly pat my back.

"Alright... you're crushing me!" He choked out. When we pulled back, his smile was gone and seriousness was written all over his face. Oh no! Does that mean I was in trouble?!

"I came to realise something after your encounter with the pirates, Yara..." He started and I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

"Firebending alone cannot defend you and given the circumstances, it's definitely not enough. You are an expert in archery but that will only help you when your foe is at a long range. So I thought it will be good and safe for you to master in a weapon for close combat." Zuko said, his voice filled with care and concern.

My heart ached to see him worry this much about my well-being. If he thought of getting a weapon for my protection then I couldn't imagine how he would've felt during the encounter. I definitely owed him an apology.

"Zuko... I never thought you'd think this much about my safety and well-being. And I was just being selfish, I'm so sorry about that incident. I admit it, that was stupid." I apologised and looked down the floor, unable to face him.

"Yes... That was stupid... and brave! Well Yara, you never stop surprising me." He placed a hand on my cheek and lifted my face to meet his gaze.

I felt an electric pulse course through my body as his hand grazed my cheek. I fought hard not to blush but it failed quite spectacularly.

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