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They hunt at night. No one knows why, but the only way to stop them is to stare at them.

Maybe they can't bear the guilt of looking into their preys eyes? Knowing it to be their last.
Maybe it's the fear in our eyes that give pause to such monsters?

Either way, it doesn't matter. At least, in this mess that I caused, it doesn't.

If I had just gone back to get my mask, I wouldn't be here. If I had just wore it on the back of my head to trick these damn things, I wouldn't be here right now.

I wouldn't be face-to-face with it; with one of the monsters.

But I didn't, and here I am, a monster watching me, my back turned to the trail that leads home, and me staring back at it, my life depends on this stare.

I just pray to God there isn't another up the trail.

I take a step back, and another, and another, while it just stares on. Watching my every move.

When I'm sure I'm out of its eyesight, I turn and see my house. I sign in relief as I run towards my safe haven. I get to the porch and unlock my door.

As I step inside, I feel a cold breath down my neck.

A/N: sorry it's been so long, I hope you don't mind it. It's not too good but I really hope you guys like it. Please, please tell me what you guys think, it would be great if I could get some feedback.
Anyways, I hope you lovelies have a beautiful day and wonderful night!

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