12th of September 2013

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Tongue-tied like we've never known
Telling those stories we already told
'Cause we don't say what we really mean

They were interviewing with GQ magazine and Harry didn't really want to but he had to for the band's sake. They did a photoshoot first and then they were divided into groups. Niall and Liam were getting interviewed first and then he, Zayn, and Louis. He didn't want to sit next to Louis, pretending like everything was fine. He hadn't talked to him since the football game. He asked quietly if he could be interviewed by himself and they immediately agreed. He should have learned by now that meant trouble but his mind was preoccupied.

The journalist introduced himself as Jonathan Heaf. The first part went okay. He got asked if this job got any easier and he thought he gave a good answer. It went downhill from there.

"What do you make of the rumors about you and Nick Grimshaw?" Mr. Heaf asked.

Harry smirked amused. Really?
"What rumors would they be?"

"That you're an item." Mr. Heaf stated and stared intensely at him.

That was just silly.
"Oh, really? I didn't even know. We're not dating, no. We're just friends."

Mr. Heaf was quick with a reply.
"So you're not bisexual?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Why would he ask him that? That was private! Like he would come out in a sleazy magazine? Well, he didn't have to lie. He wasn't bisexual. He was gay.
"Bisexual? Me? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'm not."

It just got worse after that. Mr. Heaf stared at him with sensation-hungry eyes.
"Do you know how many people you've slept with?"

Harry couldn't believe he just asked him that. Wasn't anything off limit?
"I know the number of people I've slept with, yes."

"What is the number?" Mr. Heaf smirked.

Harry stared at him in disbelief. Seriously?
"I'm definitely not telling you!"

But he kept on pushing. Harry just wanted to storm out of the room but then this douchebag would probably write something along the lines of what a rude person he was. That stardom had gotten the best of him. He refused to give him that!

"Can you give me a rough, ballpark figure?"

 "No!" What the hell? Couldn't he see how uncomfortable this made him?

"Say "yes" or "no". Less than 100?" Mr. Heaf chuckled.

"No!" Harry was mortified. Why did he ask to do this interview by himself? He always got these kinds of questions. Media tried their hardest to make him into a womanizer and their management encouraged it. Usually one of the guys stepped in to try and save him. Usually, that person was Louis. 

Mr. Heaf didn't stop.
"So higher than 100?"

Oh, God. He couldn't let his fans think that he was a slut. That was so far from the truth as it could possibly be.
"No, it's definitely less than 100..."

"Lower than 50?"

"Yes, lower than 50."

"Lower than 30?"

"I'm not doing this! You're cornering me!" Harry said upset. Why did he keep on pushing this?

"Come on you're a rock star. Okay, less than ten?"

Harry sighed and surrendered. This asshole wouldn't stop.
"Yes. Two people. I've only ever had sex with two people."

Mr. Heaf looked amused.
"I don't believe you."

"Well, that's my answer. Read from it what you will! Can I go now?" Harry asked, sounding defeated and upset.

"Yes. Thank you for a great interview." Mr. Heaf grinned.

Harry didn't reply. He got up and walked out of the room to the green room that was set up for them while they waited for everyone to do their interviews. He burst out crying as soon as he closed the door behind him. His four band members stared at him in shock. Louis was the first one to approach him.
"What happened?"

"That man is awful! He asked me if I'm dating Nick and when I said no he actually asked me if I'm bi. What kind of question is that?" Harry started to explain.

He could see anger shoot through Louis' eyes.
"What a fucking loser! What else?"

"He asked how many people I slept with and he kept on pushing and pushing until I told him that I only slept with two people." Harry answered, still crying.

Louis' mouth fell open and he stared at Harry in shock and then he burst out crying as well.
"You slept with someone else? Already?"

"What? No, of course not! Lou! I lied! Okay? Ask Niall. I hardly left his apartment."

"It's true." Niall hurried to chip in.

"You're the one out drinking every night. If anyone is gonna sleep with someone else it's gonna be you." Harry accused.

"What the hell!" Louis shouted.

"Okay, break it up, guys. Louis dry your tears, you have an interview now." Liam said and stepped between them.

"I'm gonna rip that douchebag's fucking head off!"
Louis growled and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"Zayn, you'll have to take the lead in this interview, okay? Don't let Louis lash out on him." Liam sighed.

"Yeah." Zayn agreed.

Louis was furious. He knew how hard Harry took this. He was really sensitive. That journalist was a fucking wanker. He should lose his job. Louis was gonna make sure he got blacklisted. No one treated his baby like that.

He managed to keep it together during the interview. He didn't want his behavior to reflect badly on the band but he couldn't keep the sassiness away. After they were done he stared at the journalist.
"This is off the record. You're a fucking disgrace for your occupation. You should learn how to treat people with respect. I'm gonna file a complaint against you and the disgusting questions you asked Harry and Zayn as well for that matter. Harry is not a badboy rockstar who sleeps around and Zayn here shouldn't have to defend his religion. I will make sure your crappy magazine won't get another interview with One direction again."

"I'm just doing my job." Mr. Heaf said with a smirk.

"You're not doing your job you fucking loser!" Louis growled before he walked out and slammed the door behind him.

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