Chapter 3

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I looked at him furiously and I at that moment wanted to Punch him on his face for doing this stupidity or I would just throw this file on his face for directly rejecting his offer. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down and while gritting my teeth said, "Why the hell did you make a Three Month Contract?"

He might have noticed my anger and he said, "Look, I know that you are already mad at me because of my girlfriend and now after this, you are furious, which I get it because if I was in your place I would have done the same thing. But I want you to listen to me very carefully."

I glared at him and said, "Listen to you for what? Did you even think twice before doing this?"

He gives me a glass of water as a gesture to drink it but I didn't accept his offer and said, "No, I want the reason why did you want me to be in a Three Month Contract with you for being a fake girlfriend!"

He looks at me and then said, "First, I want you to calm yourself down now, and then I want you to listen to what I'm telling you now, okay?"

"And why do I listen to you? You might be my boss but that doesn't mean that you can let me do these stupid things. I am not going to listen to you and your stupid small story. Did you get it?" I yelled at him and stood up from the chair.

I was on the way to get out of this damn room when I heard him say, "Fine but then you won't be able to save your dad as this is a good deal for both of us."

I stopped in my tracks at this, How did he know about my father's health? I'm pretty much sure that Rashi and I knew about this but then who would have told him about this.

Then the realization dawned on me and I knew who that person could be. This is the work of none other than Sahil Bhatia. I'm sure that he must have told Siddhanth about my dad's health and treatment money. I turned my heels and looked at Siddhanth while saying, "Tell me who told you about this?"

He at first looked quizzical at my question but then he said, "Sahil told me but why do you ask?"

I made a happy face to show him that I'm happy but in reality, I'm avenging a plan to kill Sahil for this. I slowly took my steps towards the chair where I sat just a few seconds ago and I said, "Tell me what were you telling me about?"

He at first looked at me for a while and then said, "So, it all started when my mom wanted to meet my girlfriend. As I don't like to tell you about my relationship with anyone, I didn't tell her who I was dating and we don't have a good relationship for a few years. Anyway, so she didn't know who I was dating but she had the idea that it was serious and she before I could take a huge step wanted to meet her daughter-in-law. As Shanaya isn't with me anymore and I haven't told Mom about it yet, I want you to pretend to be a Fake girlfriend for three months. It's not like I'm scared or anything, it's just that I don't want to tell her the truth for some other reason. She will be staying at my place for Three Months for some reason she didn't tell me about and I also want you to know that you'll have to act like we are dating in the office too."

I looked at him in shock and said, "You want me to do what?"

"You didn't listen to what I just said to you?" he asked me.

I snapped in between and I said, "I listened to what you said okay? What I meant is that why do you want me to do that? I'm sure that you could find any other girls who will help you with this. Why Me?"

He smirks at my reply and said, "Well, that's because I know that you need money, and in exchange for this contract, every day, I'm going to give double the amount of money you earn here as a Finance manager."

I looked at him in shock and I said, "You are going to do what now?"

"Do you have a hearing problem? Because I think you should check your ears from the doctor." He said.

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