01 • Red and Blue makes Purple

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Art by @Riffin_V3.

Kokichi nuzzled his head against Shuichi's warm chest, a small cat-like purr emitting from the liars mouth. The detective, was soundlessly asleep. His head resting on the arm of the squishy couch, his navy hair curling around his porcelain face.

Kokichi's black and white checkered sweater's sleeves rested against the palm of his hands, his fingers dangling out freely in the cold air. Kokichi folded his arm against his chest, moving his head to rest against it- propping his head up to stare at his sleeping, peaceful face. Stray strands of blue hair curling delicately around his face, the light softly illuminating his features.

His prominent cheekbones- ones Kokichi liked to teasingly drag his lips across. Soft cheeks- his to gently drag his fingers across and cup nonchalantly. His long eyelashes, ones he teased him about daily. But Kokichi knew, if he didn't have them he wouldn't be his Shuichi. They worked with him perfectly. Kokichi, was truly lucky.

Kokichi had dark, unmatching curly hair that stuck out by his sides like angry porcupine quills- or an octopuses tentacles. Hair that was annoying and got in his way. His eyes wide and childish, only used to see the lies of the world. Childish eyes that matched his childishly innocent face. Cheeks he wished he could scoop out and flatten, ones that always had some sort of timid blush.

He was really just a child.

But Shuichi, had somehow saw different in him. Kokichi didn't know what or how, but each time the detective ushered 'I love you,' and 'You're beautiful,' Kokichi's courageous and confident mask spilled away like water, before gathering back up. And each time, Shuichi saw a flaw that Kokichi hated.

But Shuichi still loved them.

Because he knew his flaws were him. Shuichi knew he couldn't fix him into the perfect character. Because he was already perfect. For him.

Kokichi stretched his arms out, a loud yawn rumbling from his mouth. His fingers flexing in the air, he placed his arms either side of Shuichi's head. His large, purple eyes watched his stir in his sleep, before his grey eyes flickered open softly. It took a moment for the tired detective to wake up, but once he did and saw the liar resting on his chest, a loud yelp erupted from his mouth.

"Kokichi! Stop breaking into my apartment!" Shuichi exclaimed, straightening himself out.

Kokichi refused to move, smiling widely as he wrapped his arms around his beloved, nuzzling his head against him with a teasing smile marking his face.

"Why~? You were sleeping on the couch again!" He exclaimed, staring up at the navy-haired male, entwinning his legs with him with the movements of a snake.

".. You were watching me sleep?" Shuichi questioned, a small sigh escaping his mouth as he shut his eyes.

"No! Why would I watch you sleep? I'm not a stalker!" Kokichi lied back, foreign madness directed at him.

Simply Shuichi shook his head in return.
"Please get off me." He asked, shifting his hands up to rub at the sides of his head.

Kokichi gave out a grumble, before releasing the detective from his grip and tumbling to the ground loudly. His arms sprawling out to his sides, Kokichi groaned loudly as he listened to the navy haired male get up from the coach.

Shuichi's hand shifted up to adjust his collar, his gaze shifting to stare at the purple haired gremlin pouting on the floor. His grey eyes stared him down, before a sigh evoked out of his lips, shifting down to pick him up like a child. Kokichi's legs wrapped around his waist simultaneously, a loud giggle erupting from his throat as his arms wrapped around the detectives throat gently. He nuzzled his face into the side of his neck, his purple hair contrasting against Saihara's skin.

Shuichi's hands wrapped around his back, his tired movements taking him to the kitchen. His eyes awakening to the honey drowned rays of sunlight, shifting a spare hand forward to grab a cup and fill it with water. His other hand remained tightly snaked around the criminals back.

"Y'know, you shouldn't overwork yourself." Kokichi stop softly, his gaze focusing on the kitchen table, littered with white paper covered in messy black ink.

Shuichi shut his eyes, bringing the shining glass cup to his lips, taking a mouthful of water before replying, "I'm not."

Kokichi shifted a stare towards him, a small frown playing on his face. His hands fidgeting with the ends of his hair as the glass softly thunked against the metallic sink.

"Liar." Kokichi exclaimed, watching the paper disappear as Shuichi left the kitchen, his other hand returning back to wrap around Kokichi.

"It's been three months, Kokichi. I have to make sure that nothing clashes together. We could both be in serious trouble if Kirigiri finds out." Shuichi commented, placing himself back onto the couch. Kokichi adjusted himself, folding his legs as he rested his head against the detectives neck, listening to his steady breathing.

"Yuh huh. I've said I'll fake killing you and we can run to like, Australia or something. Hop with the Kangaroos!" Kokichi exclaimed as he nuzzled his head into Shuichi.

Shuichi simply sighed, shaking his head in disagreement as he brought the cup up to his lips. "The Kangaroos will punch your guts out of you tired," Shuichi hummed back, taking a sip of his water.

Kokichi's pout grew, but Shuichi paid no mind to that. Leaning back into the couch, either hand cupped the glass to his face. It grew silent in the room- but it wasn't an awkward silence. Both were comfortable in it, calmly wrapped in eachothers warmth. Eventually Shuichi gave a cough.

"You should probably head out. Kaito is gonna come over today. He needs to go shopping for the wedding."

"Ew, space man actually has a girlfriend?"

"Fianceé, Kokichi. And yes. Kaito is pretty enough to get one." Shuichi replied back as Kokichi shuffled off, a small grumble escaping the liars lips.

"Fine. I'll be here later! You're not safe from me, ever!" Kokichi exclaimed, grinning at him. Shifting open a window, Kokichi disappeared into the early mornings rays.

Shuichi was over telling Kokichi to use the door. The neighbours were old people who mistook even Shuichi for a young boy. Kokichi would be a child in their eyes- and he knew they wouldn't recognize him.

Maybe, this time he should have gotten him to use the door.

Because when the dreaded lights of blue and red shot into his room with an accomplished siren, Shuichi dropped the glass. It shattered upon the ground, the liquid spilling out as Shuichi's fear blossomed and grew like spiders across his back. His breathing grew crooked, threatening to explode his ribs against his skin.

Previously, only two seconds ago it was a peaceful, blissful morning. But, it was strange how the tides could turn and lead to the worst moment of your life.

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