07 • Traitors United

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Art by yours truly.
//Hot, I know. Don't steal it assholes.//

"Why am I being dragged into this?" Maki questioned sharply, her arms crossing against her chest.

Shuichi glanced up from the letter to the assassin, his stare remaining blank.

"Because I need you. I'm also blackmailing you," Shuichi replied.

The detective wasn't taking any shit. He was serious about everything- and underlying his skin was nothing but rage and hatred for those who detained Kokichi.

"..Thanks," Maki's voice coldly replied back.

Shuichi had already don't three of the four tasks.

Task one was to go shopping for them.

Shuichi believed they were simply too lazy to do it themselves.

Task two was to cut ties off with every detective, police man and so off, but at the same time not leaving them. In simple terms, not allowing them to feed information out of them. Or- well, Shuichi.

Task three was long. He became a paper boy and had to do an unholy amount of things for three days- without rest, and basically without food or water.

The final task was to steal something for them. Then, they will believe he is on their side.

That old shop he had confessed to Kokichi at- he has to steal a golden katana. For what reason, he wasn't sure.

Parking outside of the old shop, Shuichi sucked in a breath.

As of current it was night time.

Maki's hair was bundled up, covered by a black beanie. The pair wore dark clothing- which would make it easier for them to get in and out.

"On the first floor, to the left in a glass container." Shuichi commented, his hands grazing on the doorknob.

Maki nodded her head, and the two slid out into the night.

The moon was a ghostly private ship sailing the grey clouded seas- dancing treasure twinkling in the ocean that'll never end.

It didn't take long to break into the shop- Maki, strangely was able to picklock the door in a minute or two.

The door sliding open the two moved in.

They were silent- the floorboards barely creaked under their weight.

The moon's grey beams of light danced of off the golden Katanas body, the glass shimmering- illuminated perfectly. Golden flakes danced of off the handle, sticking to the bottom of the glass.

Avoiding the cameras whirling with red blinking eyes, they crawled towards the container.

"..Now how do we get the sword? He have to be quiet and discreet, so no one knows we were here," Shuichi commented, pressing his gloved fingers against the glass, trying to topple it over.

It wouldn't budge- firmly stuck in place. Maki watched as Shuichi attempted many ways to open the container- which none worked.

Maki sighed, before slamming her fist into the glass, wrapping her hands around the katana and ripping it out.

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