06 • Red-Handed assistance

638 43 138

Art by Dangthemropes.

Kaito was sprawled across Shuichi's legs on his back, his legs curled up against his chest. His arms starfished out and reaching for nothing. The astronaut wore an purple dinosaur onsie- one of the many he had. A loud snore rumbled out of Kaito's open mouth.

Maki rested against the males legs propped up, her hands tapping away on a Nintendo DS. Matching with Kaito, her dinosaur onsie was a brilliant red, the spikes a prominent ivory white.

Shuichi's head rested against the cushion of a couch, watching the assassin throw a pokeball at an eevee, the furry creature sinking down to disappear into it. He wore a simple blue onsie, small cyan stars patterned in the dinosaurs fur.

It was around 3 now- the crescent moon dying slowly along with the stars illuminating the only black canvas resting above their heads. Eventually, the black would fade notice soft blue, mixing with the sun's morning orange-yellow shades that sparkled against eachother. The colours would contrast against eachother perfectly- and it would be a dawn of a new day.

"No," Maki shot out as soon as Shuichi's lips parted.

Almost instantly, the detective shut his mouth.

"He belongs in the jail," Maki exclaimed coldly.

"No he doesn't. Maki, Kokichi is changing. He's not an outright criminal, he's never killed anyone. And he's changing, I know he is," Shuichi replied back softly.

It had been Shuichi's plan to jailbreak Kokichi. He had done his research, and the jail Kokichi was at was infamous of mistreating the ones held in there. The prisoners attacked on the weak- and Kokichi really wasn't anything without his D.I.C.E members.

Shuichi had visited there, once. It was on an old case of a criminal investigation.

Cockroaches fell out of the dirty walls, filth and grime growing out of the cracks of the floor. It had the heavy aura of death, and the cells were made of stone. The prisoners barely got good clothing, and didn't have blanket covers to curl up into to keep warm. The security was one of the best, although. It kept them all in and so far, no one has ever been able to escape.

But there's always a first for everything.

"He robbed Kaito." Maki blanket replied back.

"Not completely."

"He's a criminal, and criminals remain in jail."

Shuichi shut his eyes, resting his head against the couch. A sigh escaped his lips, and he rested his hands against his stomach.

"Don't criminals kill people?" Shuichi questioned.

Maki paused her game of Pokemon, flicking the lid of the black DS down. Her crimson stare casting itself into Shuichi, she frowned.

"Yeah?" Maki eventually replied back.

Shuichi really didn't want to do this. They were friends, and he needed Maki's help to hunt down D.I.C.E. They probably wouldn't trust him with the scene Kirigiri put up to protect him. But he had nothing else.

"...Aren't assassins criminals?" Shuichi's tone had dropped cold.

Maki stared at him, her eyebrows furrowing down. She was at a loss of words- her brain trying to think of something to say in return.

"That's in the past. I've changed." The assassin eventually replied back.

"What changed you?" Shuichi pressed.

"I'll kill you."

"Answer me, Maki."

Maki was silent. Her eyes shut and her cheeks puffed out, a small dust of crimson growing on her cheeks. Subconsciously, her fingers brushed against the cold metal of her ring.

☆Save me, Shumai.☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz