02 • Not My Voice

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Art by FleshKiss on Tumblr.

Shuichi found himself flying down the steps, his wavering breathing snarling against his throat. The detective effortlessly slamming his shoulder into the door, going much too fast to stop and open it. The door snapped loudly as it flung out, smashing against the wall.

Shuichi was blinded by the police lights, his hands shifting up to cover his eyes. Cold sweat touching his forehead, he stated at the scene unfolding before him.

Millions of officers surrounded the building, high ranking detectives and large black vans blocking the exit. Civilians watched from the gaps at the scene,a steady mjmble erupting from the crowd.

But Saihara's stare was focused on the tussle going on. Two large officers had managed to handcuff someone, who I angrily screamed and cussed bloody murder into the air.

"Kokichi!" Shuichi exclaimed loudly,his feet automatically moving to help him. The world's sounds draining out, his dull grey stare filled with fear only focusing on the boy and the officers.

What did he do wrong?

Shuichi gave out a yelp as surrounding officers slammed their padded elbows into his back, knocking him into the concrete. His arms behind twisted behind his back, the navy haired officer struggled against their strong grips.

"Shuichi!" A voice from afar called out. One that made his stare snap up, just intime to see his purple haired astronaut friend from the gaps of the cars. He repeated his name as he tried to slip in through the cars to help him, only to be flocked by officers and pushed back.

Shuichi's face was slammed against the ground. "Let me go-""-Shuichi Saihara! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say or do will be used against you in court!" One of the officers cut him off, the sound of handcuffs clicking alerting him.

"You have been conspired against for hosting and hiding a mastermind criminal in your place of settlement, And purposely giving official officers misleading information!" The officer exclaimed, the cold metal touching Shuichi's wrists.

Shuichi's body trembled. He couldn't speak. His eyes were wide and he could barely breathe, his face pressed against the dirt. The world was numb, and Shuichi's ears rang. The weight was removed of off him, And he was being hauled up.

His hands dropped by his side's, uncuffed. The detective came back to earth, his stare snapping to Kirigiri as she tightly grasped his arm. She was talking. About something. But her voice was drained out, and his attention was directed to Kokichi.

His voice was loud and clear.

When did he mess up?

"So, Shumai.." The short villain asked, his violet eyes glistening with a danger only one can know. Hatred and rage gleamed from his eyes, that bore into the detectives soul. His curly black hair cupped his pale, child-like innocence on his face, his eyebrows furrowing down.

Shuichi could only watch the male, his face much more blanch then it should be. He couldn't breathe; his air snarling and snapping at him as it rushed out mindlessly. His heart was a storm against his ribcage.

The police lights flashed before his grey eyes, red and blue. Red and blue. Guns clicked, keeping him aware of the situation. His hands stiff infront of him, his wide eyes catching sight of everything happening.

"You did betray me afterall." Kokichi broke out, squirming against the large officers rough hands as he crained his head back to stare at the male further. "You never loved me! Liar! Liar! Liar!" Kokichi screamed the word out on loop; like a broken record. And each time Shuichi flinched.

Kirigiri remained by his side, ever solemned to silence. Shuichi didn't realise the sudden spill of salty tears that ran down his cheeks. He wasn't a liar.

Was he?

"I hate you! I hope you die! Faker! Liar! I hate you, I hate you!" Kokichi screamed as he was flung into the large, black van, the doors slamming shit.

His stare moved towards Kirigiri, who's face remained deadpanned. Her stare remained on the van until it was moving, Kokichi's screams lingering in the air.

"You preformed well, Shuichi. Gaining the trust of the most infamous person in Japan to bring him in. Thank you. Come with me, we have much to do. The officers will check your apartment just incase he left anything." Kirigiri explained, her grip like steel against his arm.

Then, Kirigiri was dragging him away. Away from the scene, and the world was going numb for him again. It was all a bad dream, right? This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. Any moment he would wake up, with Kokichi in his arms,his face smiling at him and then a childish giggle would erupt from his mouth.

He would then say something like "Morning sleepy head!"

But that was the thing with real life. It wasn't a dream. Shuichi knew it wasn't. He couldn't do anything to save him. He didn't understand.

Kaito's yells grew faint to his ears as Kirigiri dragged Shuichi into the large black jeep, buckling him into the passenger seat. She moved to the drivers side, And the cars engine rumbled.

The tires squeaked against the ground and it was moving. He didn't moved his spot, like a doll.

Kirigiri's gloved hands shifted forward to turn the radio on, Seven nation Army by glitch mob filling the cars empty space.

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