2- "studing"

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Naruto POV:
After a few minutes of arguing with sasuke i finally got in his car. I didn't know why sasuke would want to hang out with me. I mean he's the richest kid in this school and I'm well... me. When we arrived at his house I was surprised at how big it was. It wasn't like I didn't know he was rich it was just that the house was so big. I must've been starring at the house for a while because sasuke took my wrist and started to drag me inside. The inside was just beautiful as the outside. Before I could even say anything about how beautiful the house looked sasuke started dragging me to a room witch I assumed was his. His room was pretty simple, a black bed with dark blue sheets, a desk, and a nightstand there was two other doors in his room I assumed that they were a closet and bathroom because where else would they lead. Sasuke was sitting on the floor waiting for me to join him. After I noticed this I sat down across from him and set my bag down. We started to get to work not to long after that. To my surprise sasuke was actually really smart. Whenever I had a question he could answer it almost always.

Third person POV:
Naruto looked up from his book confused he looked at sasuke and asked a question " hey sasuke what does Mx+ B mean" he said. sasuke looked at naruto and started to come over to him " naruto it's in the book" he said calmly. He looked over narutos shoulder and flipped a few pages in the book and pointed at the explanation. "There it is" he said.

Sasuke POV:
I looked at naruto once I showed him where it was in the book. He looked back at me and I could feel his breath on my face. My mind went blank and all I could think about was kissing him. "Sasuke are you okay" naruto said. I looked at him still wanting to kiss him. I had a mental debate on weather or not I should do it. I decided that it's now or never. I closed the gap between our lips and made contact with his. The kiss didn't last as long as I hoped it would because naruto pulled away. I looked at naruto and his face was bright red. "Sorry" I said looking away. I started to walk back to my spot but naruto grabbed my hand. I looked back at him and he was still blushing. " your not mad" I asked. " no I'm not you just surprised me that's all" he responded. I sat back down in front of him, "can we do it again" I asked. His face became even more red and I took that as a yes. I kissed him again and this time he kissed back. We were full on making out, naruto pulled away for air, but I didn't want to stop. So I grabbed his waist, once I made contact with him he immediately looked up at me. I pulled him up onto my lap and we started kissing again. But every once and awhile naruto would pull away for air. Every time he pulled away I wanted to pull him right back in for more. I decided not to wait for him to come back this time and started kissing his neck. "Waahh~" naruto let out, once I made contact with his skin. I kept exploring his neck not wanting him to break the connection between our body's. As got down closer to his collar bone he let out a moan. "aahh~" naruto let out with a heavy blush. " found it~" I said looking at naruto. I went back to that spot and started sucking more. "Aaah~" , "Sasu-ke d-don't leave a-a mark" naruto moaned. I stoped sucking his neck and looked up at him "it's a little late for that" I said as I moved my thumb over the purple mark I left. "you did what" naruto practically yelled.

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