3- "I missed you"

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This is my first time writing a fan fiction. I'm sorry if it's bad 😣

Naruto POV:
"You did what?" I yelled. Sasuke looked up at me he looked pissed.  "Why are you so worked up about that it's just a mark" sasuke said calmly. "How am I going to hide that from my friends" I said. "Why do you need to hide it?" He asked. "B-because..." I whispered. "wait is this the first time you've gotten a hickie" sasuke said. "Y-yeah" I let out. "Well then next time I'll hide it" sasuke said as he move his hands along my back. "Next time?" I said. "Yup" he said with a evil smirk on his face.

Time skip to Friday:
Sasuke POV:
"Naruto" I called out once I saw him walk out of the school. He made his way to me. "Hey get in" I said walking around to the other side of the car. He got in without fighting me this time. "Sasuke-" I cut him off with a kiss. I loved watching his face go bright red whenever I kissed him. "Sasuke were still at school" naruto said with a bit of anger in his voice. Once he said that I started the engine and started to drive back to my house. As soon as me and naruto got in the house I was on him. Once I heard the door close I quickly turned around and pinned him to the door. "I missed you" I said. "Sasuke we have classes together" he responded with. "I know but I missed this side of you" I said getting closer to him. Before he could say anything else I kissed him. "Don't leave me" I said when he pulled away. "Who said I'm leaving you?" He said while he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh?" I said looking back at his arms. As I was looking back naruto licked my neck. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked back at him. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised and a smirk. "I can play your game too~" he said. I just stood there and looked at him in astonishment. Next thing I know I was the one pined to the door.

Naruto POV:
Sasuke looked so vulnerable standing there. I started to move closer to him but I wasn't going to kiss him, oh no that I wasn't going to do. I wanted payback for what he did to me the other day. I started kissing his neck making sure to leave some marks. Once I got closer to his collarbone he put his hand up to his mouth. I knew I was getting closer to his week spot, then I got to just above his collarbone and he made a noise. A very muffled "mmhm" sasuke let out. "Ah~ there it is" I said. Sasuke knew what was coming next because he started to move under me.  I stayed at that one spot long enough to leave a nice mark that's going to last a couple days at least. Once I was satisfied with my work I looked up at sasuke. His face was red and he still had his hand covering his mouth. I went to his ear and whispered "that was payback from last time". Then I took his hand off his mouth, his mouth was open and he was breathing heavily. At this point I made him wait long enough and I finally kissed him.

Sasuke POV:
I didn't think naruto could be so dominant but I was wrong because I was pinned to a door with marks all over my neck. I started to push naruto back and eventually we got to the living room I got him to the couch and pushed him one last time making him fall on the couch. I felt his hands leave my body. He looked so scared falling backwards onto my couch, and I loved it. "Alright blonde you want to play games let's play".

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