365 so fresh / cooper x travis

408 3 2

tw // murder, gore, blood, violenge, gangs, light sexual assault

Travis' POV

    It was just meant to be an 8:30 appointment. He was supposed to get a simple haircut, and leave. Nothing more, nothing less - just another day at the hair salon. And it was - for a little, until he decided to touch my thigh as I reached for a pair of scissors. Now - you can't blame me for what happened next; I was startled. It's not my fault the scissors slipped out of my hand. It's not like I intentionally slit his throat.

Although, I suppose that's what he deserves.

    I backed away from his lifeless body that sat in the barber chair. Thick blood poured from his wound, down the bib, and onto the floor, creating a large puddle that continued to expand each second I stood watching it - it grew almost like it was living. I took a breath, and closed my eyes. Now is not the time to freak out, I reminded myself, so I grabbed the hand towel from my workspace, and tried my best to mop up the blood - but it was proving to be worthless, only smearing it further around the floor. Besides, it was still no match for the amount escaping my client's body.

    I stood up, finding it useless to keep trying to wipe up the blood. Looking in the mirror was a shock - blood covering my hands and my clothes. These were my favorite jeans. There was even some blood splattered on my face, which was already flushed pink out of fear and shock.

    After running my hands through my dark brown ringlets, I donned a black baseball cap. I grabbed my keys and wallet (but not my phone - they could track that), and I made a decision.

    I had to run. What else could I do?

    My final thought before running out the door was, at least I was working alone tonight.


Cooper's POV

    I was running, trying to escape the men chasing me - though that proved to be harder than expected. They were bigger than me, stronger than me - but not faster. Tattoos littered their muscled bodies, and the sound of heavy combat boots hitting concrete filled my ears. My heart was beating loudly under the clear, dark sky.

I realize I've been running for tens of minutes - it's funny how far you can push yourself when the situation is life or death.

I turned a corner, hoping to lose them, but that thought was dismissed when I realized it was an alleyway. Large walls closed me in - my enemies blocking the only way out. This is it.

I took small steps backwards until my back hit the brick wall behind me. There was nowhere to go.

"P-please," I panted out my last attempt at begging for my life, a weak attempt.

One of the men walked further towards me, the other three hanging back, assumingly to watch for cops. The man laughed -  a wicked, dark laugh.

He pulled a gun from the waistband of his pants, but before he could aim or shoot, sirens rang through the city.

"Boss! Cops!"

He cursed under his breath, looking between me and his goons a few times before the sirens got closer. He swore again, and backed away, knowing he had to either kill me and get caught, or run, now. In a desperate attempt to do both, he whipped his arm up and pulled the trigger thrice, before running off into the cold, dark night with the other men.

Lucky for me, only one of his shots hit, as opposed to all three, and there was a single bullet wound on my leg. Unfortunately, the cops likely heard the gunshots, and had a clearer idea of the location. I threw myself behind the dumpster as soon as I saw the red and blue flashes. I expected to be caught.

Lots of thoughts ran through my head, this is it. They're finally gonna get me. All because I couldn't pay off debt to some shitty loan sharks. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

After all my years avoiding the cops, my hard work would be down the fucking drain. I growled softly and looked at the sky. Surprisingly, I was able to point out a few constellations to myself, and my final thought would've been, at least I have a nice view on my deathbed.

Until I noticed that there were no more sirens. Did they- did they leave? Was I safe?

I peeked behind the dumpster, worrying this was just a ruse - but after moments of stillness, I staggered up, almost forgetting about my wound until pain shot through my leg. I limped out of the alleyway, still cautious.

What do I do now?

I looked left, then right, as I came to the edge of the sidewalk. I may do some dangerous shit, but I still have common sense to watch for cars.


As I crossed the street, I noticed that the city lights of L.A. shone brightly against the black sky. I must've gotten caught up in the beauty, because the next thing I knew, the sound of a car engine quickly got louder and louder until it took a fast, sharp turn, and the headlights shone into my eyes.


this was inspired by 365 fresh by triple h, i never finished it though lmao

sorry it was so angsty :)

wc: 900

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