feel better / cooper x travis

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tw // uhhh feeling sad, but nothing really heavy :)

sidenote - this is a platonic oneshot! but you can use your imagination to involve anything romantic ;)

request from closet_loser <3

Feel Better

Travis didn't have bad days often. His life was relatively good, and he'd always considered himself lucky. Although life often treated him well, he was not immune to sadness.

As an optimistic person, Travis didn't like to focus on the negatives. He disregarded hate comments, and reminded himself that he had awesome friends, and an incredible job. It usually worked.

But sometimes, it was hard to escape the sadness. Sometimes, the hate overwhelmed him and he had trouble getting over it. He'd lay in his bed with the lights off, wallowing in the feeling of not being good enough. Every now and then, a tear would drip onto the pillow beneath his head.

Travis was home alone. Both of the boys he lived with - Cooper and Noah - were out doing whatever, and the curly headed boy felt so alone.

He didn't want to call his friends, he didn't want to burden them with his worries. The last thing Travis wanted was to make other people sad, too.

So, in fear of ruining his friends' days, Travis sat alone in his room, secretly hoping he'd hear the front door close and his friends appear in the hallway.


"Travis, I'm home," Cooper shouted, pushing the front door closed behind him.

He was surprised that his greeting was met with silence. That was unlike Travis.

"Travis?" The skater decided to drop his skateboard by the door and put it away later, suddenly worried about his friend.

Soft knocks at his door pulled Travis out of his thoughts. Quickly wiping his tears and clearing his throat, he spoke, "Come in."

Cooper opened the door slowly, a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," Travis whispered, averting his gaze.

"Travis," Cooper took note of the shorter's disheveled hair and red eyes, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, man," Travis sighed, "I just feel like I don't really deserve everything I have - like, I feel like I'm not good enough to have all the fans and all my friends, you know?"

"I get it," Cooper sat next to Travis on his bed, "But Trav, you definitely deserve this all. I promise, you're one of the funniest guys I've ever met."

Travis smiled.

"Not to mention," Cooper continued, "You started off where everyone does, at the bottom, and you've worked so hard to get everything you have. Anyone telling you that you don't deserve it doesn't have anything better to do than sit behind a screen and insult people they don't know."

Wiping away a stray tear, Travis whispered, "Thanks, Coop. I love you, man."

"Love you too, dawg. I'm gonna go shower, then we can go to 7/11 and I'll buy you ice cream or something, sound good?"

"Sounds good, thanks," The shorter giggled.

"No problem," Cooper gave Travis a small hug before exiting the room.

Travis knew he was lucky to have a friend like Cooper.


waaaa sorry it was short!! it feels kind of rushed to me, but maybe soon ill write a part two or another version or something idk :0


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