Part 4: South Town Saga (Fatal Fury)

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After the party is over, Goku sets up a mini-airplane on the open road. It's big enough to fit at least 10 people, with refreshments and entertainment included. Goku is using it because a lot of people want to train with him, and not everyone can get to Kami's Lookout as easily as he and Leona can. The first three are Chris, Yashiro, and Shermie, since they were eager to train so they can get in the next World Tournament. Goku, Leona, and Broly are on it, which already makes 6 in the aircraft. Andy decides to give his spot to Terry, since he wants to train with Roshi and Hanzo for now. *7 people? That's a lot already!*, Goku thought, pumped to see all these people wanting to train.

He was happy with 7, so Goku and the others were ready to board. Before they did however, an unexpected person stops them. "Huh? Iori, you want to join?"

"As you know, I have a goal.", Iori said. "It is to kill Kyo. But, I see you defeated him easily. So, I have one, simple request." Iori then gulped, swallowing his small amount of standoffish-ness to say this.

"I will do ANYTHING to beat him. Even if it means training with weaklings like you."

Goku nodded, extending his hand. "Well, welcome aboard!" He extended a hand for Iori to shake, but as expected, he didn't return it. After that, everyone got aboard and went to Kami's Lookout. When they arrive, they meet up with Kami, who is happy that Goku brought these strong warriors here. Kami then says their training won't be easy, as he had a premonition of Orochi being revived in three years. "To prepare you all, I'm not alone.", Kami said, as a woman in a white dress revealed herself.

"Hello to you all. My name is Chizuru Kagura. I'll be your secondary training instructor for the next three years. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

The training then commenced, as Chizuru explained the legend of Orochi and how he was sealed 657 years ago. This training goes great for the Orochi clan members. Due to having Orochi blood, they are able to keep up with Goku, but Broly is just far out of their league. With more intense training, Terry is able to keep up as well, creating the Power Geyser and the Buster Wolf earlier than in canon as a result.

Four months into training, Goku and the others are having a break down below at South Town. Goku takes a liking to the city, as Terry shows the group around. Iori has warmed up a little bit. Thanks to Chizuru and Kami's influence, he doesn't want to kill Kyo, more-so beat him one-on-one. He still is standoffish, but can be easy to talk to at times. When CSY is having a live performance at a bar, a man in a black suit steps in, causing the patrons to go silent. This confused the band, but their instincts told them trouble was coming, so they stopped playing.

"These are for you six.", the man said, as he gave envelopes to the band, Goku, Terry, and Iori. Iori was ready to burn the envelope to a crisp, the man says they are invited to join the King of Fighters tournament. All of them are excited, since this means that this is an opportunity to test their power. They would replace all of the CPU controlled characters except Billy and Geese.

The first fight would be Terry vs Yashiro. Over the timeskip, the band would discover that they would have control over their respective elements; Earth, Thunder, and Fire. They wouldn't have good control over it though, so it wasn't really useful in battle, but it definitely could help them out. Yashiro was less skilled then Terry, which gave him a disadvantage. Plus, his earth manipulating abilities like I just stated weren't all there. Plus, his style focused on big, powerful strikes. Even though his movement could be swift, Terry simply had him beat in technique, which Yashiro couldn't overcome.

Chris would be up next against the powerful wrestler, Raiden. Despite his stature, Chris would heavily overpower Raiden in every field. Since Raiden is a wrestler, Chris decides to use his super speed to his advantage, and trip up Raiden multiple times. Chris would show off his fire here, which he has more control over thanks to Iori and Goku, who were fire users themselves. Chris easily takes the win, snagging a pic for his band of his win.

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