Part 5: Big Bad Bosses Saga (Fatal Fury Special and KOF '94)

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4 months pass, and training and everyday life has been going well for the group. Ryo and King, along with Goku and Leona have started a rivalry. With Chizuru and the others there, they would point out to Ryo that King has feelings towards her, and talk to her about it. With Goku and Leona's help, Ryo would succeed into getting a relationship with King, now being rivals with Goku and Leona as a result. They would be far behind the group, and would aim to get to their level. Due to Ryo being super strict on training, he probably would become the strongest in the group with Robert, with the rest not far behind. Even though Goku is a saiyan and gains strength quicker, this would just motivate Ryo even more to get stronger than Goku.

CYS wouldn't compete as they wouldn't need the prize money; Iori gave them the second case that also had $1,500,000 dollars. The rules were changed though; everyone would go in duos, unlike in canon. Goku and Leona and Ryo and King were very obvious pics from the start. During this time, Terry would most likely be influenced by Ryo and Goku to maybe see if he could find the special one, and would encounter Blue Mary earlier as a result. Finally, Robert would go with Broly, who would participate as he has a bad feeling about this tournament. 

No other fighters would be allowed, as the host wants to test his power against the fool who beated Rugal and Geese; Goku.

The first match would be against Robert and Broly vs Ryo and King. Broly decides to go first, as he wants to get the tournament done quickly. "So Broly, you're my opponent?", Ryo said, trying to feel his ki. Broly was heavily suppressed, to make himself stronger than Ryo, but not by a huge amount. "Why are you not going all-out from the start?" Broly then stood up, wearing his ninja uniform that Goku gave him. "Well, the match would already be over Ryo.", Broly said. "I want to make the fight fun."

"You're very confident in your ability, Broly. Show me what your hiding!", Ryo exclaimed, as the duos began fighting. Both fighters on Robert's team were stronger than their opponents, which gave King a big disadvantage. Broly would be playing defensive against Ryo, learning his movements so he can refine his. Broly would land blows here and there, which would almost knock Ryo into next week. By here, Robert would have defeated King, and would be waiting for Broly to finish up. Broly would then turned into the Ikari form, gut checking Ryo and winning his first match.

Next would be Terry and Blue Mary vs Goku and Leona. "So this is the girl you fell in love with?", Leona says in her signature tone. "I assume she is strong, since you bringed her here." Terry and Mary were blushing, waving their hands around. "I-It isn't like that! We just shared dinner a couple of times!", Mary said. Goku and Leona rolled their eyes. "Sure.", they said in unison. "Hey Leona, I wanna fight Mary, Terry's all yours!", Goku said, as Mary responded by jumping to the other side of the street the match took place. Goku followed suit, with Terry standing still.

"Hey, how long exactly do you and Goku go back?", Terry asked. "Well, we trained together since we were kids. Heidern saw the same potential in Goku as he did in me, and we trained ever since." Leona then got her ponytail on. "If you decide to go all out, I will too." Terry then putted his hat on. "I expected that! Don't stand down now!", Terry said, as their fights started.

Blue Mary was giving Goku some terrible flashbacks of his fight with Shermie, since both were throwers. Goku just kept his distance with ki attacks, which he spammed for a bit until approaching. Mary does get some grabs on him, but she is far too weak for the likes of Goku. So, she ends up losing her match with Goku. 

Leona's fight with Terry is going in her favor, with her dominating due to her more better training, despite the two being equals. Eventually, Terry decides to get crafty and do a High-Angle Triple Geyser into a Buster Wolf, doing tons of damage. This gets Leona angry, causing her hair to turn red. Leona then proceeded to savagely beat down Terry from that point, ending it with a Rebel Spark. "Well, that was quick.", Leona said. 

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