1. Questions

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  Where am I? How did I get here? What time is it? Am I dreaming? Why am I here? Where is everyone? This is some kind of prank isn't it! Shit! Blake? Where are you, I can't see anything.

"Oh shut up would you!" a voice complained. 

"Who was that! You better tell me what's going on right fucking now!"  I said in the most threatening tone I could.

"You think you can scare me, how cute is that" the voice replied mocking me. 

"You didn't answer my question, who are you?" I repeated, completely disregarding the fact that he was mocking me.

"That doesn't matter. I'm gonna let you out now, don't try and fight me or take of your blindfold. You aren't supposed to be here and you're definitely not staying so there's no sense in  having a look around."

"Out of where, why aren't I supposed to be here? Where even am I? And why shouldn't I fight you, you kidnapped me!" I asked, one question after the next.

"You're in a birdcage. And we didn't kidnap you! We have no idea who you are, why you're here, or how you even got here. " 

"We? Who's we? And A BIRDCAGE! Do I look like a bird to you?!" I said getting kinda scared as we walked and he guided me through the darkness of where ever we were. 

"Is asking questions the only thing you can do, because silence is a thing too ya know" he said, I could tell he was getting annoyed with me. So I stopped right where I was and stood as stiff I could and turned my head up just a little.

"Hey, what are you doing. Let's go!" he said getting more and more frustrated with me.

"Nope. Not till you start answering my questions." I smiled making him sigh 

"I don't know what kind of game you think this is but we aren't playing it." He started pulling me by my arm but I was going to get my way. So, I leaned back and sat on the floor making him fall next to me. 

Still sitting on the floor I heard him say something under his breath, "What was that?" 

"I said, you're a pain in the ass" 

"You know, maybe I wouldn't be if you would just answer my questions." 

"Fine, shoot" him finally giving in gave me all the satisfaction I needed. I stood back up and waved my arm trying to find his hand again. Once we were hand in hand we started to walk again. 

"So, first question. What's your name." 

"Can't tell you that. Well I mean, I could but we aren't friends and I don't plan on being friends." 

"Fine then, I guess I could call you Idiot. Yeah, I like that nickname. HEY IDIOT!" he quickly covered my mouth and his grip on my wrist tightened.

"Shut up! Are you trying to get me in trouble?! And.... it's Camden. And since we're playing Get to Know You, what's yours." Finally, that took longer than necessary. 

"I'm Audrey, can I call you Cam. Also, I have another question. What's going on? Where are we going? One moment I'm having a good time at senior prom with Blake and next thing I know I'm waking up in a birdcage with some asshole yelling at me" 

"Fine, I don't really care and it doesn't sound like you'd give me a choice either way. And that was two questions, but I'll let it slide since I technically only have one answer. I'm not sure what's going on, I'm just as confused as you are. And if I told you where we are going you wouldn't believe me. Also, thanks for answering my question about the dress."

"Well, that doesn't really kill my curiosity" just then we stopped and he started to whisper  something I couldn't hear and it got bright. This was the only time I didn't mind this dumb blindfold. 

"Stay curious then. But hey, we're about to come up on some stairs. So watch your step." just then I hit my foot on the first step and tripped. 

"A little help would've been nice!"

"I said watch your step." he said giggling. 

As we went higher up this flight of apparently never ending stairs it was getting brighter and I was getting light headed. Maybe I hit my head when i tripped or maybe I was hungry. But I said nothing and we kept going. I grabbed onto Cam's arm and leaned against him trying to keep myself from falling but I was losing my balance. 

"You alright?" I barely heard him. 

Suddenly, I felt my body completely give way. Everything got dark as I collapsed. It felt like forever before my body slammed against the staircase. 

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