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Chimchim Gets out of the car and he wants to check the car they bumped into if they are ok or not..he gets close to the window...then suddenly a guy places a knife on chimchim's neck.

Chimchim Gets startled and shouts in fear...then Kokkie and tae gets out of the car to check on chimchim.

Then some gangsters gets out of the car in the front and threats them with a gun.

Girls gets so scared and shouts...."what are you doing leave them. What do you guys want from us ??"

Then a man comes and gets in chimchim's car. ( The girls starts hitting him).

(Man in serious tone).

Man: Stop or else I'll kill those loosers.

( Girls stop hitting him)

Man starts the car and leaves with the girls.

The other gangsters ties up the boys with ropes and leaves them on the highway.

The man takes the girls to an old building.....he forces them to get out of the car.

Nandy : Hey let's beat him up...we are 3 he's only one.( Whispers to Harry and Y/n).

The man hears Nandy and gives a evil smile and all his men show up.

They make girls to get down on their knees. (Ties up their hands and stick their mouth with tape).

( Girls are so scared and confused..they don't know what is going to happen...lot of questions are popping up in their minds...they decided to stay strong..yet they feel helpless).

What will happen to girls ??
To know wait until next part 😮😮


I purple You BTS And Army's 💜

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