Lord Tau: My Kingdom

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I am feeling wonderful this morning. Five carriages are ready for the king and his family, lions are already in theirs, Calhoun is putting his things in his and Paine's carriage, but Paine is not here yet. He is usually ready before time, where was he going early this morning?

The King seems a little bit off like something would be bothering him, he also looks in Calhoun's carriage hoping to find Paine there. "Where is Paine? His things are not even here! Where is he? Someone go up and get him!"

"There is no need, father!"

"What are you saying?" Wait, does Calhoun knows something? So he really was leaving, but how did he find out?

"He has left!"

"What do you mean left?" The King stops and looks at Calhoun.

"He went to find his destiny!" 

"What nonsense, his destiny is here... with us!" 

Hmm, I doubt that! He made the best choice, he is someone else and he needs to find his own people, he will be better outside the lions' den!

"You can't decide it!"

"He is a Lionray, the next generation of one of The Great Six's dynasties!"

"Is he?" It just slipped, I couldn't hold it, I know the truth, the King knows the truth, the queen knows the truth and now it seems like also Calhoun and Paine know the truth, but they both look at me like I was lost my mind. "I am sorry, my king!"

"Of course, he is my son!" I wouldn't be so sure about that, perhaps the queen hasn't told him yet and Paine just left because he wants to know who he is.

"But is he feeling like a Lionray? Because last time I checked, he wasn't!" Calhoun adds and now I am one hundred per cent sure, they don't know anything, but I hope Paine soon learns the truth, not that I would want that, for me it would be easier, if he was a Lionray and he wouldn't run away, but still I feel something for this family. They have given me so much, but life is life, I didn't choose to be born in this family.

"I am doing all the hard work for my family, what else he is missing!"

"Family? Love? Parents?"

"It is all here, all the time!"

"You are not speaking with us, we are always on our own!" They are facing and almost screaming to each other, I love drama. It is better for me that they are already divided.

"My apologies, prince, who are just playing with lions all day!"

"What am I supposed to do? And I am not playing, I am training!"

"Come and participate in meetings, like your brother, Amir!"

"Oh God, he is so unintelligent! Can he rule the kingdom? No, the kingdom will go down, immediately!" Calhoun is right, but he is crossing the line, he is not supposed to talk with his father like this. I said I have divided feelings.

"Don't speak about your brother like that, he is investing in his future, not like you!" And the King is also crossing the line!

"See, you are not thinking about us, you are just thinking about your kingdom!"

At this moment, I see the queen and Amir coming outside the castle, I wonder where they have been.

"What's here going on? Why are you screaming?"

"Paine left!"

"Why? What?" She is staring at the king and then looks at me as I am supposed to know where he is, but then she focuses on Calhoun. "Did you know?"

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