Flash back part 2

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Arg sorry it took a so long to update schools killing me thanks for being patient!!

       Why would she have to deal with it..? Tendou thought. " oh you're most likely wondering why I've had to deal with it..right?" She pauses awaiting a response. He slowly nodded his head asking her to continue. " I don't say this being uhhh how do I put it... snobby.. but apparently I'm really pretty .. I don't really see it though" she mumbled the last part so he couldn't hear then continued.

     " Girls are jealous and accuse me of trying to steal their boyfriends and trying to get them to notice me all the time.." Tendou looked at her with a look of disgust not towards her but towards them, (Y/N) mistook it.

        She lowered her head " you agree with them don't you.." Tendou was surprised but realized she mistook his look. " huh..? Wait NO I was just a little bit disgusted with those people it was making me upset sorry if it-" she interrupted " no need to apologize Tendou" she shot him a sad smile " I'm just dramatic sometimes sorry" he was once again surprised but stayed silent for a minute (Y/N) spoke up breaking this silence " I better get going then and you should probably go to the nurses office" she started to walk away.

       Tendou was quick to grab her wrist " hey uhh before you go.. can we be friends" it was (Y/N)'s turn to be surprised " For real!?!" She turned to him with a smile full of actual happiness "Yeah!! I don't have any friends so you'll be my first!!!" "I don't have any friends either, I have a feeling we're gonna be the best of friends (Y/N)!"
         After that (Y/N) and Tendou continued talking  through out the rest of middle school until the last year

      The end of the last year of middle school came for Tendou and (Y/N). Tendou and (Y/N) had made previous plans to apply to go to shiritorizawa together. That made (Y/N) all the more deviated when she heard she was moving to Tokyo. She would be attending Nekoma high school against her pleads to stay with Tendou.

(Y/N) immediately knew this transition was going to be difficult but the hardest part would be breaking it to Tendou. She waited until the day before she was leaving to break it to him. He pulled her into a tight embrace and started crying speaking of him having no friends. He had an idea, Nekoma had a Volleyball team and he loved Volleyball and also got her interested so he told her to be the manager for their team so during matches they could see each other and she believed this to be a good idea.

That night she was devastated because little did he know over their years of being friends she had fallen head over heels for him. Luckily for her she was good at hiding her emotions even though their were some times when he made her blush.. it went unnoticed.

      The next day her and her family packed the moving truck and Tendou arrived to see her one last time. Tendou made her promise that no matter what they would still be best friends even without a form of communication. She of course agreed. Her mother called out to tell her they were leaving. She decided to make a promise " Tendou.." he looked up with tears in his eyes "yes (Y/N).?.." I swear I'm going to come back when we're third years.. I'm going to start saving up so I can move out on my own by then" Tendou smiled " you should come live with me" " I'll take you up on that Sa~ To~ Ri~" she had never used his first name before even when he asked her because she found it awkward so naturally he was surprised but he smiled.

       She smiled tears in her eyes and stepped into her car. The engine turned on and the car left. Tendou watched until he could no longer see the car he still didn't believe it was happening but she was gone. He turned around and he fell sobbing hoping it was only a prank he walked home. She was gone.

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