A New Begining

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Yayaay new chapter! NEway this is taking place  after the flashback obvi just thought I should clarify! Now on with the chapter :)!
(Y/N) POV ( the day after arriving at the new house is also the first day of school and you have yet to unpack )
      I jolt you in my bed thinking that me moving was just a dream. My eyes adjust to the rays of sunlight shining into them and I look around, I wasn't in my room. I wasn't even in my house was I? That's when I realized that my alarm was going off.

     It all hit me at once "SHIT". It was my first day a Nekoma high school... I need to shower, get ready, eat breakfast, and try to be there early to make a good impression and look at the volleyball club... well haha I'm screwed! Do I even have all my school supplies.. oh crap. I don't even have any friends I wonder how Satori is doing... " I DON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THIS GODDAMNIT!" I yelled causing my Mom to yell at me from downstairs.

    Wait school starts at 7:30 and it's uhhh
* I pick up my phone * 7:00 crap... Dry shampoo and perfume can help I don't have time for a shower. Last night I ironed my uniform thank goodness. I hurriedly ran to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth while putting on my uniform afterwards brushing my hair. I run to my room grab my bag and make sure not to forget my phone. I rushed downstairs grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it in my mouth and I then ran as fast as possible.

     So at max it should take me 15 minutes to get there like this. Wait what time is it ?? I reached for my phone while running and it had to be my luck that I dropped it. Even better while looking at my phone now on the ground before I even had a chance to stop running I ran straight into the back of someone and I fall on my ass. I get a chance to look at this person and he is really tall.. his hair is kinda funny looking though. Kinda reminds me of a rooster in a way. I look at them and realized they were wearing tho Nekoma boys uniform. I immediately stutter out an apology along with "You go to Nekoma?" He looked at me and somewhat nervously smiled "Yeah I'm only a first year though" :0 my chance at a friend!

    Play this right (Y/N) Come on dont screw this up "o-oh r-really same (y-y/n) c-class 1-2 " FUCK THE STUTTER WHY DID MY MOUTH BETRAY ME LIKE THAT! " Oh! Haha I'm kuroo testurou class 1-2 also" It was at this moment I realized I was still sitting on the ground... he reached his hand out and helped me up. I muttered a thank you then while brushing myself off I turned and picked up my phone...... the world seemed to move in slow motion as I turned it around to see if the screen was cracked. I let out a deep breath of relief as I saw the undamaged screen.

Wow the one good thing that happened today. I turned around to see kuroo still standing there so I quickly walked to him " hey do you mind if I walk with you today" he immediately responded yes and I couldn't help but notice the blush on his face... wait SHIT I FORGOT PEOPLE THINK IM PRETTY WTF! But we continued walking having small talk once we made it about half way he asked " what do you think about volleyball" wait he's gonna be on the team :D this way ups my chances of being manager! So I responded truthfully " I actually am pretty intrigued by volleyball me and my friend before we moved used to play all the time! I was actually going to see if the manager position was open here for the team" he looked at me shocked " I actually have my first meet with the full team today so I could bring you along to meet the coach if you'd like!" " Really? Thanks so much that would mean a lot to me!" " It would be no problem really!" We then continued walking now talking about volleyball.

We got to school and had all of our classes together which was great, I wasn't lonely! Even better during lunch Satori texted me!

Redheadweeb ❤️: Hey (Y/N) I'm missing you already:'(
(Y/N) 💙: You too :( I already made a friend though! How are you doing?
Redheadweeb ❤️: I got on the volleyball team  semisemi and wakatoshi are first years there with me and they seem to be really nice!!
(Y/N) 💙: YAY FRIENDSSSS and later today I'm meeting Nekoma's coach and trying for manager!
Redheadweeb ❤️: :0 I hope you get it :) I have to go though so I'll talk to you after school!
(Y/N) 💙: Okay cya!

The rest of the day went by fast after that and it was time to meet the team and the coach with Kuroo..

ACK how'd you like this chapter? I'm planning on writing a lot more and I know I already apologized but sorry for the sort of hiatus:(

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