Chapter 7

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The crew were afloat in the air with Ziora as captain. Her father taught her to fly for emergency purposes. Seems as though his plan back fired on him, for his daughter used her lessons for the wrong purposes according to him. Nyozom begged Reign to stay behind for her protection, after a heated argument, she complied. Within the aircraft, Yuki slept peaceful on Shurui's shoulder as he argued with Chintaman about anime.

“I would have all females make me lunch in a cute but big bento box!”

“Shurui you need a girl to like you first!” That’s how anime works!”

“What…what are you implying?!”

“He’s saying you can’t get a girl…” Yuki spoke suddenly.


“How can I sleep with your voice in my ears every minute?”

“What about Chintaman's voice?!”

“His voice isn’t annoying…”

“Why y’all two ganging up on me?!”

“Because it’s fun…” they spoke simultaneously.

“What's up Nyozom?” as he started out the window, his brain was boggled by the size of something huge. Bigger than their airship.

“WHAT THE FRUCTOSE!!!!” Shurui’s eyes dilated at it’s colossal size.

“What the hell is that doing behind us?! And who the hell is driving it?!” Yuki's comment now made everyone wonder, who was driving an airship twice bigger than their stolen one?

“Ziora who is-“ Shurui was cut off by her response.

“You will know soon enough…but everyone…get ready….she will not make this easy for us…”

“She…who is-“ once again his sentence was cut off as the woman came into the light.

“THIS WOMAN IS CRAZY!!” Nyozom could not believe her presence in the airship.

“Correction…my dad is crazy. He doesn’t want me to go anywhere one mile away from the palace. Well he won’t keep me locked up anymore. Guys…get ready to fight!”

Ziora halted her airship and with the power of nature, vines and branches from the trees below bloomed and grew to the airships above the clouds, holding them in position for battle. The airships were six feet a part. 

“We might as well fight it out here, we don’t want to endanger the people in Paradaisu Village” her hands released the wheel, joining the guys at the back. Even though it was a fight against one….she should not be underestimated. As Ziora is about to explain. 

“Guys whatever you do, stay keen, nimble and do not think for second that we can win. Remember she only came here for me, I assume her plan is to disregard you four and just capture me”

“So you shouldn’t fight she might catch you off guard” Yuki said concerned.

“Oh don’t you worry about little old me. I had to be fighting her a lot to hone the ability I have. It's you guys I'm worried about. All you got was a taste of her strength as she fought against Nyozom, you didn’t get a whole meal. So be careful…fear is not in her name…”

“Right!!” shouted them all. 

Nyozom being the impulsive one he is, attacked first.

“Nyozom stop! We have to work as a team!!” Shurui tried to convince him but he was already surrounded by yellow lightning charging at Ligea.

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