Chapter 10

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Yuki, Shurui, Chintaman, Nyozom, Ziora, Hioto, now known as team Cloudust, began their new mission on this big adventure to save the people of the world from F.O.R.K.

F.O.R.K could have gone after them all, and the Sensation Insects, however he knows that soon enough, they will be at his door, ready to take him down. But he will be ready all the same. The second mission. To find the five insects that have the ability to cancel the senses of any human being.

With each passing 24 hours, they get closer to the end of their mission, but the end is just the beginning. Though two more people of Cloudust were missing, time was too imperative to wait, and with the hope in their hearts, maybe they will bump into them on the road.

Ziora had lots of information about the insects and the infamous Project 57. But her knowledge of it left her years ago, as she read it in a light grey binded book, way up in the palace's library. And now, the idea she was about to give, could make or break their plans.

“Guy I think we should go back to my village….”

“……Huh!.....” They all cocked their heads to the right.

“Yes, I did tell you I know of the insects but that’s because I read it in a book. It’s not as if I studied it. I can’t remember most of what I read and that book is the only thing that will lead us correctly to find them” Taking her words into thought, Yuki spoke up.

“Ziora…It will be very dangerous to go back there. Your cuckoo father, no offence”

“None taken”

“Will definitely have guards posted left, right and center”  Shurui voices his comment on the matter.

“I’m not even sure if getting in, or getting out will be the hardest, it’s a risky move…” 

“But a move worth taking…” Chintaman was in favour.

“I like the plan too” And so was Nyozom.

“Think about it carefully. The time we spend looking for tiny, not to mention extremely rare insects, is the time F.O.R.K could do something horrid to someone, something, or even any of the villages we just passed. Those aren’t even all the villages, we all know there are about 79 villages, and who knows if he is planning something right now. We need to act fast, but careful, not hard, but smart” Nyozom interjected at this point.

“And also, we don’t have to make a scene, in and out. We can go incognito. Or Chintaman could teleport us all to the library and back here!”

“That won’t work unfortunately. If I do that for five of you, my power of teleportation will be gone for….two days per person soooooo…two multiply by five is ten, ten days my power will be gone, and if by chance we see the other two people missing from the group, I can’t teleport us out since I already did it with 5 people. Also if I teleport more than 6 people, in which we are a group of 6 and add the last two that will be 8, my power will be gone for good. It’s best we save my ability for a very important time”
“So what do we do then? If we go back there, they will surely catch us!” Nyozom pondered on another plan.

“How about we ask my dad…” Hioto voiced his idea, which was a good one.

“I can ask my dad to help us. Since he said it was okay for me to come with you guys, I'm sure he'd help us too”

“That’s a great idea!” shouted Ziora.

“So now we have to turn around and travel……A BUNCH OF MILES BACK WHERE WE CAME!!!” Shurui turned around and shouted his statement to the forest.

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