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The train tracks roared and screeched as the giant hunk of metal and wires stopped in front of (l/n), composing a frosty gust of wind that drew a tired yawn from her lips. She hadn't been up and out of the house this early in a long time, but since soccer season had began and practice along with it, she was forced to set shrill alarms and wake at ungodly hours of the day.

The train was packed full of people, mostly elderly women who huddled closely together whispering and giggling of gossip circulating things (L/n) certainly had no interest in distinguishing. A boy a few seats away from the women seemed to stand out from all the others on the train, not only because of his looming figure, or the fact that he sat alone, but because of the uniform he wore.

It was the date tech school athletic uniform, the same one she wore.

She'd never been the overly social type, but she thought she knew of everyone that attender her school. And somehow (L/n) was certain she hadn't seen him before, surely she recognize him. He had icy white hair that matched his nearly invisible brows, and although they were barely there, they curled and formed an angry look on his face. His frown, although small, combined with his intimidating size, and furrowed brows made him appear to be the equivalent to satan on earth.

In short he looked horrifying.

The only available seat left of the bus resided beside him. (L/n) frowned, shed been taught to be weary of men who let frown wrinkles inhabit their face but what else could she do in a situation like this. Besides, he had to be close to her age if he wore the Date Tech uniform, and the worst kind of person he could possible be was a young delinquent.

Sitting next to the boy for half an hour wouldn't shift the entire trajectory of her life. She slowly took the seat beside him.

'You go to Date Tech?" (L/n) tried her hardest not to let her voice crack from the anxiety of speaking to a stranger.

The boy jolted in his seat, causing (L/n) to let out a supersized gasp. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye but when he met her gaze he quickly returned to the view of the window across the train. He nodded once.

She was grateful to gather that he was also nervous speaking to strangers. "I do too. I'm (F/n) (L/n)." He remained quiet for a beat too late, and she wondered if she was overstepping some kind of boundary. The boy fiddled with the ends of his jacket.

"Takanobu Aone." He introduced. His voice fit his appearance perfectly, it was deep and rough.

She smiled a little at him, realizing that he actually wasn't that bad.

"You play sports?" She asked him, and he hummed. "Volleyball." Aone answered. He looked down at her for a brief moment before looking away again. She felt like she understood a foreign language that he spoke with his eyes, like he didn't need to say words to get his point across.

"I play soccer." She spoke and he nodded. The rest of the ride was quiet, until finally the two teens reached their stop. Aone was the first to stand in his feet and (L/n) followed him out the train doors.

"I don't remember seeing you at school." (L/n) pointed out as she struggled to match Aone's long strides. He noticed she was falling behind him and forced himself to slow down.

"Why do you think that is?" She asked him. He shrugged in response.

"Maybe it's because you don't talk much." She thought aloud. Aone began to wonder why she was still speaking to him.

She wasn't the first girl to willingly approach him, but she was definitely the nicest. It perplexed the tall boy, he understood how intimidating he looked and it never really phased him. In fact, it was comforting to be intimidating, it gave him peace and quiet.

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