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Train rides together had become a daily thing for Aone and (L/n). For two weeks strait they had met on the train and rode to school and from school. Usually (L/n) would talk for a while and Aone would just listen and nod.

In the short time they had known each other (L/n) had learned a lot about the volleyball player. She learned that he absolutely hated the taste of strawberries, but loved any other sweet foods. In fact, sweet foods were his favorite. She learned that his favorite animals were turtles, and that's why his favorite color was green.

He enjoyed playing volleyball but didn't want to play if it wasn't with his team. He had two pet turtles in a small tank in his room, secretly (L/n) wanted to meet them. And finally, she learned that he gets freaked out with any sort of physical touch.

Aone had learned that (L/n) didn't have a favorite color because she liked all of them. She hated wearing dresses but preferred skirts. The left side of her nose twitches when she mad or irritated, this always was amusing to watch. She didn't like the dark, but she also disliked things that were too bright. She preferred savory food over sweet ones, except for strawberries, she had a sweet spot for strawberries.

"My volleyball game is tomorrow." Aone announced when (L/n) was finished with her story about a cat stuck in a tree. He remembered their conversation from two week ago, and for a reason that he couldn't quite pin, he really wanted (L/n) to watch him play.

"Really? And your sure you want me to go?" (L/n) asked him. Honestly she was extremely excited to attend his game. In the short two weeks they had spent together she could feel herself gaining romantic feelings for the silent boy.

Aone nodded his head.

"Well my games at the end of the week, on Friday, so make sure your not busy that day!" (L/n) smiled at him brightly.

"(L/n)?" Aone stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk as he spoke. She turned to him, realizing that was the first time she had ever heard him speak her name.


"Thank you." He bowed his head lightly to her. "Eh?! For what?" She blushed at his sudden actions.

He was silent for a moment, trying to figure out exactly what to say. Honestly he wanted to thank her for being his friend, and approaching him two weeks ago. He was thankful that she talked to him everyday, and thankful that she wasn't terrified of him.

But saying all that would be much too embarrassing.

"Thank you for attending my game." He settled on that.

(L/n) stared at him for a moment, before suddenly laughing. "You don't have to thank me for that. And I haven't even gone to your game yet." She patted his back reassuringly, which made the white haired boy stiffen. He wasn't really used to physical contact like that.

"Thank you as well." (L/n) said as she began to walk towards the school again, Aone followed her. "For attending my game, I mean." Aone nodded, and even though (L/n) couldn't see him, she knew exactly how he responded.


Schools was pretty boring for (L/n). She was no longer bombarded with questions about her friendship with Aone, but only because she would get mad at anybody who accused him of being scary. She was constantly surrounded by noisy friends, and while she enjoyed their presence, she also wish they were quiet sometimes like Aone.

It was only fifth period and she had felt herself feeling antsy for school to end. She was excited for her soccer practice because today was going to be the first day they would actually be able to practice with a ball.

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