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The day passed quickly.

(L/n) had been waiting all day for Aone's game, and when she was finally done with her soccer practice after school she sprinted towards the volleyball gym. She tripped nearly three times due to her intense speed but didn't allow herself to fall.

When she finally entered the gym she could see the team setting up for their game, most of them held eager smiles on their faces. She notticed that the gym was already packed with students, parents, and other spectators.

"Aone!" She shouted with a wide grin on her face, the middle blocker turned to face her with a volleyball in his hands.

She waved him over and he obediently made him way over to her. "I got you this." She held up a sports drink she had picked up from a vending machine on the way from soccer practice. "Thank you." He blushed as he took the drink from him. Her smile widened when she noticed the reddening of his cheeks.

Knowing that she was able to make him blush with ease made her heart flutter. She knew that his cheeks only redeemed because of his lack of social experience, but she tended to ignore that fact.

"I'll be cheering for you, okay?" She looked at him through her leashes, he nodded. Aone was actually a little excited to hear her shout encouragements for him. After a short moment she turned away from him and started walking to the stands, where people were still shocked of their interaction.

When she sat down, she noticed Futakuchi and gave him a quick wave and a thumbs up, he mirrored her gestures. Aone stood between Kamasaki and Kenji, almost as if waiting to break up another fight between the two.

With a whistle from the ref, the game started. And from the beginning Date Tech seemed to be off to a good start, the infamous "Iron Wall" proved true to their legend. And it made (L/n) feel a swell of pride knowing that her friend, and secret crush, was the backbone to their defense.

She cheered when Date Tech scored a point, she cheered when they set well, she cheered when Aone would block a spike, she cheered for nearly every moment of the long game.

Aone liked to believe he could hear her from the stands over the dozens of people that filled the gym. Every now and then he would glance up to see if (L/n) was still watching him, and felt a pang in his chest when their eyes met every time. He knew they would win this game, it was basically guaranteed, but he still pushed himself to try his hardest because he knew he had a special fan watching him.

(L/n) had basically cheered her voice away. By the time the game ended her voice was hoarse and rough, but she didn't care. Another surge of pride shot through her chest when Date tech was announced the victor of the match, she smiled brightly at Aone who gazed at her from the court with an unreadable expression.

The crowd in the stands had eventually left and the short soccer player decided to wait for her friend outside the gym doors.

Aone suffered from his teams constant teasing about his "girlfriend" when he would take drinks from the beverage she brought him. He left the gym after taking a quick shower and was disappointed when he didn't see his biggest fan.

When he walked outside though, his mood picked up when he spotted (L/n) talking to a group of friends by the gym doors. She was laughing loudly at somthing a girl had said when she spotted Aone and waved her friends goodbye. "I'll se you tomorrow!" She smiled at them.

She made her way to Aone with a bounce in her step. "You did good today." Aone nodded as a thanks and began walking towards the train station, (L/n) followed closely behind him.

He was content knowing she thought he played well. Normally the only opinion that matter to him was his own, but maybe her input was good as well. "Thank you." He spoke out after a moment of silence. She picked up her stride so she was able to walk next to him.

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