Ch. 1

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Marks pov:

"Oh boy! First day at my new job, Im so excited! I say aloud, slightly hoping no one heard me. I walk up to the place I'll be working at...The F.b.i Agency. I open the doors, the slight chill from inside the building made me shiver a little as I walk in slowly, and nervous too I may add.

Noticing all eyes on me, I shifted my gaze to the marble floor. No one dared speak, just looked. I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding while looking around the room at all the new faces I would have to get used too. But, as I was looking around slightly a persons gaze caught the corner of my eye.

Looking over at the man, I saw his glossed over eyes watching my every move while I just looked into his beautiful irises and stared, they were so...enchanting. Now you may think this is cliche and all, but this...seemed like love at first sight. It felt like time had slowed to a stop, while I was stuck to where I was standing, taking in all the features of this hansome mysterious man.

(He looks so majestic)

(Am I catching feels?)


(I didn't even introduce myse-)

"Hey buddy, are you okay? You're kinda staring at me" The man(angel) asked me

(Oh my god. I think Im gay)

An: OMAGASH THAT WAS DIFFICULT forgive me if im rushing, but I have no plot, and im just bullshitting as I go if yall wanna help feel free to message me on my board oke gudbye


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