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12th August 2020

In the DMs

Y/N: hey beautiful I just wanted to say you look unreal in your new post 🔥💕

Demi: hi thank you ☺️ and I thought I should warn you that I will be posting more pictures 😉

Y/N: thanks for the warning 😏 I can't wait to see them I bet you look beautiful and sexy 😍

Demi: well I had to warn you I wouldn't want something to happening to you 😏😂 and thanks you are beautiful as well 💕

Y/N: 😂 thanks also I had so much fun at emo nite 💕

Demi: me too it was an amazing night I'm so happy we finally got to meet 💕

Y/N: I'm glad to hear that because I wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime ? 💕

Demi: like a date ?

Y/N: yeah but don't worry if you don't want to I just thought that after emo nite

Y/N: you know what forget I even said anything I don't want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable 💕

Demi: Y/N ......

Demi: I would love to go on a date with you 😏 no need to be so nervous 💕

Y/N: Great this is amazing how does Friday sound ? 💕

Y/N: Also how can I not be nervous around someone as stunning as you 💕

Demi: Friday is perfect what time ? You didn't seem so nervous at emo nite 💕

Y/N: around 7 ? And trust me I was so nervous but I am able to mask my nerves well so I was able to pretend I wasn't about to have an accident in the middle of emo nite because I finally met my celebrity crush (You) 💕

Demi: Its a date 😉💕

Demi: wow you do hide your nerves well and I was your celebrity crush 💕

Y/N: Are****

Demi: huh I'm confused ????????

Y/N: I mean you are my celebrity crush always have been and always will be no matter what 💕

Demi: I'm blushing ☺️ but while we are admitting stuff I will say you have always been my celebrity crush too 💕

Y/N: really? I'm honoured 💕

Demi: yeah you are so beautiful 😍 do you own a mirror ???? 💕

Y/N: 😂 yes I own a mirror but you are ... you 😍 and I feel on top of the world now 💕

Demi: thanks and I'm glad I could make you feel this way 💕

Demi: Also I was wondering what we will be doing Friday ?? 💕

Y/N: That's for me to know and you to find out 😉💕

Demi: seriously 😩 but what should I wear 💕

Y/N: Yes I want it to be a surprise and I already have our date planned out so just know you should wear comfortable casual clothes and I will pick you up at 7 Friday 💕

Demi: that's so cute I can't wait but sadly I have to get back to work now so I will see you Friday at 7 💕

Y/N: can't wait see you then 😘 I hope you have a great day beautiful 💕

Demi: I hope you have a great day too 🥰💕

Sorry for not updating i have been super busy but I will update again tomorrow. Also I haven't checked for mistakes so I'm sorry if there are any. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

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