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29th August 2020

Demi's POV

Heartbroken and confused that's how I am feeling right now. I am missing Y/N so much and I just want to call her and ask her to come see me but I can't after what she has done to my sister Dallas. Despite what Dallas has told me about when she and Y/N met up I'm still confused as to why Y/N would have beat up Dallas anyway like what was said or done to get that much of a reaction because I know Y/N and I know she is not violent despite what her ex and Dallas say. I can't sleep so I have decided I'm going to go for a walk and try to clear my head so I can enjoy the rest of the holiday.

The walk helped me a lot with everything that is on my mind and it calmed me which is definitely what i needed. "Hey Mads" I said while walking through the hotel door. "Hey dems I was looking for you before i need to speak to you about Y/N" Mads said " yeah what about her" I replied. "Well there are no jets available so she is going to be on the jet with us to Bora Bora and then she will fly back to La" Maddie said with a worried look on her face. "Ok well I hope you don't mind Mads but I was thinking and I think we should ask Y/N to stay because she organised the holidays and we can just keep away from each other it won't be hard." Maddie agreed with me so that is why I am on my way to see Y/N. I knocked on the door waiting for Y/N to answer but she didn't answer so I knocked at Kim's because she is next door to Y/Ns and she said Y/N went for a walk to clear her head but she should be back in about half an hour. I decided to just go back to my room and get ready and then I will go see Y/N in half an hour. "Mads I'm going to try see Y/N I'll be back soon" I shouted through to Mads I didn't wait for a reply I just headed to the room Y/N was staying in. I knocked and this time she answered and it felt like the world stopped she looked so beautiful and my heart ached because seeing her made me want to forget everything and run into her arms and never leave but I couldn't not after what she did to Dallas. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Y/N saying "hey dems are you okay? Do you need me to get you something or does Maddie need something or ..." I cut Y/Ns rambling off by chuckling and saying "Y/N stop we are okay I just came because I heard about your problem getting home" "oh I'm sorry I didn't try to leave I don't want you uncomfortable" Y/N replied. It's so hard to be mad at her when she is being this kind and caring "look Y/N you arrange and paid for these holidays you shouldn't go home so I came to say that we should both stay and enjoy these holidays because we can both stay without being in each other's way" I said and I felt so bad when I seen her face go from hope to rejection. "Dems are you sure I don't want you to feel uncomfortable  and I also want you to know I didn't do what Dallas said" Y/N said. I sighed with annoyance and replied "I won't feel uncomfortable I'll be fine and it can work the only way it won't work is if you keep denying what you did because that's when I get annoyed at you". "Ok I get it dems so stay out your way and don't talk about Dallas and it will work" Y/N said "yeah that's the only way it will work...... well I'll let you get ready remember it's the boat trip to the private island today we have to be down in reception by 10 so I guess I'll see you later" I replied and before she had the chance to reply I walked out the room. It had been about 30 minutes since I got back from Y/Ns room and there was a knock on the door so I answered it and it was a member of staff from the hotel they handed me a gift bag and said that it was from Y/N. I thanked the member of staff and then closed the door and sat on the bed to open the gift just as I was about to open it Maddie walked in the room with Matt and Sirah behind her. "What's that dem" Matt asked. I looked up from the babe and replied "it's from Y/N a member of staff just dropped it off" "that's so sweet let's see what it is" Maddie said. So I opened the bag and pulled out a long rectangular velvet box when I opened it i seen the diamond heart necklace I was looking at the other day on my phone.

 So I opened the bag and pulled out a long rectangular velvet box when I opened it i seen the diamond heart necklace I was looking at the other day on my phone

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