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29th August 2020

Demi's POV

Guilty, angry and confused that's how I'm feeling I can't believe I was so horrible to Y/N when Dallas was actually the violent one. I also feel angry and confused that my own sister lied to me. "Dallas did that" I said shakily I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. Y/N wiped my tears and nodded her head yes I turned to everyone and said "did you all know" everyone but Maddie, Matt and Sirah nodded yes. "Look why don't we leave you guys to talk about what happened" Kourtney said. We nodded and with that everyone walked away except Maddie who said "I'm so so so sorry Y/N I should have stayed while you and Dallas talked I knew she was annoyed with you but I just thought she might shout I didn't think she would do something like this I'm so sorry I feel so guilty I-" Y/N cut Maddie off by pulling her into a hug and saying "hey Mads it's fine it's not your fault please don't blame yourself and honestly I look worse than I feel it's just some bruises and a couple of cuts I'm fine honestly you just focus on having fun". "Hey baby girl why don't you go join everyone else and me and Y/N will join you in a minute I just want to have a quick chat with Y/N." Once Maddie walked away I grabbed Y/Ns hand and pulled her a little further away from everyone so we could have privacy. Once we sat down I turned Y/N to face me and I started to caress her cuts and bruises on her face but I quickly pulled away when she winced as I went over the bruise by her eye "sorry" I said but she just shook her head and said "don't worry it's not your fault". "It is my fault though Y/N I should have came with you to speak to Dallas but I didn't and look what happened" I shouted frustrated with myself and Dallas and then I just broke down and Y/N pulled me into her chest and played with my hair while whispering things in my ear to calm me down. "Dems this is not your fault like I said to Maddie you guys didn't know she could be like that so please don't blame yourself and I will tell Maddie the same thing the only person to blame is me and Dallas" Y/N said while she was still playing with my hair I assume to keep us both calm. I pulled away from Y/Ns chest with a confused look on my face and said "why is it your fault look at what Dallas did to you" 
"Demi I had to push her and hit her so I could try to get her off me and I feel bad" Y/N said but I just shook my head and replied "babe did she hit you first" Y/N nodded yes "Y/N you hitting back and pushing was self defence if she would have done that to me I would have done more than hit and push to get her off me I would of beat her back". "If it wasn't your sister I would of fought back properly but I didn't want to hurt your sister because that would of hurt you" Y/N said I just shook my head and pulled her into a kiss. "Y/N please promise if your in this situation again you fight back no matter who it is" "I promise" she replied. "Good now I want to know all the details of what happened but I don't want to spoil this day at the island so how about we go on a nice date later and then we can talk about it also can you move back to the room I miss you and Maddie doesn't cuddle" I said she just chuckled and agreed and with that she wrapped her arms around my waist and we went to join the others.

We spent our time on the island sunbathing, playing in the water and some of us jumped off this beautiful cliff. The day was beautiful and we didn't want it to end so we decided to take an extra long route back to the dock so we could do some diving and swimming and we could all eat dinner together on the boat. We all decided that once we got back to the hotel we would all just chill because we ate on the boat and everyone was tired because we had been out since early. Maddie started to move her stuff back into her old room and Y/N moved her stuff back into our room. On our way back to the hotel me and Y/N decided to just have a nice night in together rather than a date night out because we were both extremely tired. Before Maddie left the room me, Y/N and Maddie had a chat and Y/N told me and Maddie that we aren't to blame and we shouldn't feel guilty about what happened. Once Maddie left me and Y/N cuddled up in bed her head resting on my chest and me playing with her hair and I asked her the question that had been on my mind all day "what happened with Dallas?". Y/N replied "I went to your moms to meet her and I asked her what's wrong and she said that she thinks I'm using you and that I called the paps on your birthday which I didn't I hate them just as much as you do if not more than you do and then she said I needed to block you on social media and not contact you but i said I wouldn't do that and then she said that while I was trying to sort things out with her you had gone out with an ex and that you went to their house she said she hopes you got back with this ex and then she said you didn't care just like my biological mother doesn't and she said you were using me and that you laughed about me to her and your parents and you said you wanted to see what else you could get out of me before you blocked me and then I said if anyone uses you it is Dallas and then I asked is she scared you will stop paying for everything and that's when she snapped and she grabbed me I tried to get her off me but I couldn't she beat me up and left me on the doorstep and drove off in her car". "I'm so sorry Y/N/N she lied about everything I didn't meet with an ex I promise can I ask did you believe her" "I know you didn't baby for a split second I was like why would Demi's sister lie about it because it makes you look bad but then I was like well she clearly just wants us to stop seeing each other". "How did you get home after Dallas beat you" I asked while pressing kisses to the top of her head every once in a while. "I had to call khloe and her and Kim and their bodyguards turned up and took me to hospital to get checked out and then we had a sister night and that's how my sisters knew what happened". "I can't believe You had to go to hospital" i said "yeah I was in a lot of pain so they checked said i had bruising and obviously cuts and they gave me medication for the pain so I have been taking that" Y/N replied. "What can i do to make this better" i asked Y/N "Dems this is not your fault and I can tell you are blaming yourself but honestly I'm fine I think we should just forget about it for now and enjoy our holidays and when we get home we can sort something". I agreed and then we talked for a while which of course ended up with us making out but I knew that this time I was ready to go further and I was hoping Y/N felt the same. As we continued to make out it got more and more heated and then i guess you can imagine what happened.

Waking up the next day with mine and Y/Ns bare bodies pressed together felt like a dream, I looked at Y/N who was still asleep with her head on my chest and I couldn't help but smile. As I waited for Y/N to wake up I thought back to yesterday I still can't believe what Dallas did and it makes me mad that Dallas tried to ruin my relationship with Y/N but I'm not going to dwell on it as I want to make up for lost time and I want to make sure that we all have the best time on these holidays and I will sort Dallas when I get back. After Y/N woke up we had a repeated of last night and then we got up and ordered room service and started to get ready. Today we had planned with the hotel to do a bunch of activities on the private beach which should be fun.

Hey guys I'm so sorry this chapter isn't that good but I have been suffering with some extreme toothache so I wasn't fully focused so I'm not happy with how this chapter turned out it isn't very good so I'm sorry. Also sorry for any mistakes I haven't checked so if there are mistakes I'm sorry and I promise I will update again tomorrow and the chapters will get better but for now thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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