Bluebells and hanging ropes

27 9 4

     Dedicated to MissLacybee

Book Name: Bluebells and Hanging Ropes..

Info : The book is well written by the writer..

Genre : Historical Romance.

Blurb :

Blurb :

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My opinion, or what I liked about this book :
I think Blue bells and hanging ropes is actually a fantastic book.. I loved the way you paid attention to even the slightest of all details, The way you got each of the characters described , got me really interested.. It was thrilling to read, I love the Candice, The Molly And the Harlin characters.. The characters were lovely, the plot was awesome.. And there was many twists to it, to thrill the readers

What I think would make this book more awesome:

I think you should find fun ways to thrill your readers the more. Make them fall deeply in love with the book by spicing it up, your book is awesome, and you know your stuff, everything was awesome, but, you should look for ways to put your readers in suspense, so they don't get bored at the first few chapters.

This is the only thing I think needs to be worked on, apart from that, the book is totally awesome..

My overall opinion.. :

I'd give it a 10/10..
I think readers would love this book and if the few things I've pointed out, could be worked on, it'll make the book much more interesting, for those who enjoy books of these genre's, and for those who probably don't.. And I'd gladly recommend this book be given a shot by readers..

That's the end of this review..

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