Worst Character in FE Rant (Spoilers?)

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I'm gonna be frank here. This isn't just me talking about some units builds or other stuff in heroes. Today I'm ranting about the worst character known to FE history, at least in my subjective opinion.

Now, there are some pretty big scumbags in FE. (Gharnef, Manfroy, FE4 Hilda, Validar, Nergal, Kronya, Edelgard or Rhea depending on which route you're going, Nemesis, the list is pretty long). But, I'm not talking about those guys.

This character in question, my most despised character ever, is one of the villains from Fates. Which villain, you may ask? Garon?

Nah. Garon is fine. He is being controlled by Anankos after all. And his dragon form is pretty dope, ngl.

Zola? Please. He showed up for like two chapters.

Hans? No, he's just annoying. I dislike Hans plenty, but nothing compared to this guy.

No no, the villain in question is...THIS.

That's right

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That's right.

It's Nohr's freaking tactician, Iago.

Now besides ruining every viewing of Aladdin for me since I played Fates (Did conquest and revelation, haven't got around to birthright yet, so that's what I'm going off of. He's probably just as bad in Birthright as well), what else has this literal pile of garbage done?

Oh so much.

Let's get to the list, shall we?


I was pretty new to Heroes, when the banner with Lilith, Rinka, Forrest, and Midori released, so I didn't really understand what was up. So when this battle against this weirdo in half a mask starts, I take my units, which weren't that good and go right into hard mode,

And HOLY CRAP was that a terrible idea. I didn't understand the idea of reinforcements, so my units would just get repeatedly overrun by the endless amount of grunts. I barely squeaked by in the end, and for my reward I got some three star pile of garbage.


And after that I thought that was the end of it. But then it got worse.

Because I actually played fates afterward.

2. Faceless related shenanigans

If you played fates, you know that at some point you saunter on over to the Wind tribe in any route. However, I'm talking about that one scene in revelation.

You know, where Corrin and their army attack a group of faceless, but it turns out they were actually innocent tribespeople just disguised to look like Faceless.

Guess who disguised them?

Or how about that one chapter in conquest where you are sent alone to curbstomp a rebellion and a bunch of faceless jump you?

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