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I don't like Arvis. And with the announcement of his new refine, I've decided it's time to share why I don't like him with the world.

He isn't the innocent little bean I've seen some people make him out to be. I have seen people defending this guy by saying he did nothing wrong.

Arvis did PLENTY of things wrong and I mean plenty. In fact, how bout I list them to prove my point!

1. He murdered Sigurd.

Does...does everyone just FORGET this? Arvis killed Sigurd in cold blood, hunted down the rest of his allies and then had almost all of them killed as well!


Oh yeah, speaking of Seliph

2. Arvis stole Sigurd's wife and married her

Deirdre was his half sister.

Dude committed incest.

By Naga, Arvis, what is wrong with you? Before someone tells me that "oh Manfroy caused this one" I have a point to counteract that.

Arvis discovered Deirdre was his half sister. And he refused to tell her and his now inbred kids.

If you've read Oedipus Rex, you know how this ends. And let's just say it isn't pretty.

How do people defend this guy? It blows my mind.

3. Arvis left Aida and her baby

Oh yeah, he also had an affair with his assistant and left her with the child.

Then, Manfroy discovered this, killed Aida, and forced Saias to hide his heritage for the rest of his life.

And what's even worse, this isn't the only time Arvis has ruined one of his kid's lives!

4. He enabled Manfroy

Arcis could've killed that darn cultists where he stood, but he didn't.

Instead he let Manfroy: Brainwash Deirdre, brainwash HIS SON, murder Aida, kidnap children, later BRAINWASH HIS DAUGHTER, and only "attempted" to help when it was too late

Arvis is scummy.

I can get most of this was caused by the pile of garbage calling itself Manfroy, but Arvis still did a ton of things wrong, which people seem to forget.

It irks me as well that they blame Julius instead, when it was actually Arvis who caused most of this.

*sighs* Well that was nice to get off my chest. Have a good day everyone.

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