Fire Emblem Heroes and Their Main Villains (Spoilers)

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*kicks down door*

Okay so

FE villains and I have a weird relationship. Sometimes I'm okay with them. Usually I really don't like them.

And sometimes I'd prefer it if they were banished back to the hellscape that their idiotic masked face belongs in.

But I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about FEH villains. Because if I talked about those guys, this would be a million words long.


FEH has a ton of OCs. Some are good, some are bad, and some are Ylgr, but the villains have always stood out to me. For mobile game characters, there's quite a diverse group.

And I want to talk about them and rate them. This will only be about the main villains of each book, because if it was about all of them, it would turn into a "Why Líf is the best OC character, this is an objective fact and you can't change my mind otherwise" rant.

Anyway, let's get started!

Also a decent few spoilers here.

Book 1: Veronica (Bruno is not the main villain of Book 1 okay, he helps you more)

Book 1: Veronica (Bruno is not the main villain of Book 1 okay, he helps you more)

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Oh Princess Veronica. I wish you were cool. You have a great base design, a wonderful brave alt, an adorable Easter alt, and you're dressed as a pirate with Xander. Frankly, you're a great character.

But as a villain, you' Veronica is a strange character. When she's helping the Askrans, she's funny, deadpan, and interesting. When she fights Askr though, she's absolutely terrible.

She does get a pass from me though since she was the very first FEH villain. But at her core she is just an edgy teenager whenever she's being villainous.

I don't have much to say about her, because that's just it. She kinda just exists.

Rating: 5/10

Onto Book 2!

Book 2: Surtr

Book 2: Surtr

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