My Julius Build

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Hi so i've been having an absolutely horrid day and to make myself feel better i'm gonna explain my Julius build, since I finally got the trait fruits for him.

Hi so i've been having an absolutely horrid day and to make myself feel better i'm gonna explain my Julius build, since I finally got the trait fruits for him

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He's only +3 right now because I have like 200 grails, but I made due.

Basically, Loptous tome because obviously and I don't have a spare Hubert so no Raorfox+ fodder yet. I gave him reposition because that's a good assist, but I also have two rallies in case i need those.

For specials he has: Draconic Aura, Glacies, Moonbow, and Glimmer (and probably others i'm forgetting, but I have Moonbow equipped.

I got the dancing Xander combat manual for Close Counter (that took a lot of saving), some random Rein or Lonqu probably gave me Vantage, and I'm waiting for some good Rouse fodder so I put Attack Smoke in there for the heck of it.

His Sacred Seal switches between Mirror Strike  2 and Death Blow 3, usually it's Death Blow because he's basically a faster version of his fallen sister and a TOTAL glass cannon.

And finally, Fire blessing because I usually put him with the monster known as L!Edelgard.

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