Celesgiri Analyzation

165 5 1

(Not requested just felt like doing it)

Grade: A(+)
-it's yuri
-I love there dynamic and there personalities go together
-Celestia trusted Kyoko enough to give her the key to alt personality
-not toxic
-just really cute, the blackened/despair/minor antag (I think that's what she is) dating the detective/hope/supporting(?)  smart character,
-it just feels right to me idk why
I feel like Celestia would be super flirty and would start out as top while kirigi is flustered but would quickly become a bottom.
How'd they meet:
In the regular universe the killing game (obvi)
In AUs there's like a lot of possibilities, a criminalxpolice type, a royalty AU, in a non despair they'd meet as normal classmates and I feel like Kyoko would crush first and deny it and Celestia would just be openly flirty but not catch real feelings for a while.

Kyoko would def be the one to confess. Change my mind if you think differently.
Recommend fanfics for the ship:
There's a lot, ngl.
-this fanfic, obviously,
-"Don't be Shy, Detective" is an ongoing one (3 chapters in, grammar/spacing is 10/10) by @TheKermitofAnime
-"Roll the Dice" by @gloomling (there's a yaoi ship that I forgot but it's there, around 7 chapters in? Ongoing, Amazing story so far and great spacing and grammar)
-(the username is hard to type in so here's just a photo)

 -this fanfic, obviously,-"Don't be Shy, Detective" is an ongoing one (3 chapters in, grammar/spacing is 10/10) by @TheKermitofAnime-"Roll the Dice" by @gloomling (there's a yaoi ship that I forgot but it's there, around 7 chapters in? Ongoing, Am...

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(Story arch isn't officially over but writer decided to end it at 10 chapters,it's still good though, nice story and not bad grammar and spacing)

(Those are the ones I've read so far that I recommend that are just purely (more or less) celesgiri and not one shots (except for my story ÙuÚ) but there are a lot of good ones out there I haven't read yet or aren't on Wattpad or I can't find, it's a decent sized fan group so there's quite a bit of material)
Most likely not

I feel like Celestia is the type to not want to share her fortune with kids or be a super loving parent, and Kyoko probably wouldn't be there that often and probably wouldn't be a really loving parent either. I don't think they'd adopt and they can't have one from sex unless they used a sperm donation but I really don't think they would and they couldn't possibly have a kid on accident, so I believe it's safe to say no children, try to change my mind.

I just think they really love each other and I can really imagine their wedding and them living together for the rest of their days.

As much as I want to say never, I feel like they'd bicker over something (most likely Celestia doing something illegal or something with her gambling) or one of them would be gone to long (ludenburg most likely on a gambling trip and kirigi most likely on an investigation) and would get lonely/miss them and end up making out or having sex with like an ex or a friend or something. They probably would end up forgiving the other but like not completely or something, I really don't think anything could break them apart for good.
I am in love with this ship, like I've spent an entire weekend reading Celesgiri fanfics and coming up with some ideas of my own, I just love it so muchhh
Thank you so much for reading! (I think I covered most of the big stuff, tell me if I missed anything big) You can make requests at anytime on any chapter, it's also 12 freaking AM on a Sunday (with school tomorrow) (also this status is from when I wrote it not when I published it) and I need sleep.
Sleepy Queer Writer <3

(Weekend update: completed)

(Chapter number: 1)

Word count: 653

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