The witch up the road (Soapies)

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My first Halloween special! In this, Hiyoko is a witch who died in the witch trial but comes back alive on Halloween, just for the night. Mahiru is 19 in a rich class family of 10 (not including parents ) The second eldest girl who's whole purpose is to marry a well off man.

story takes place in England, just 2 years after the age of witch trials. But with trick or treating, Polaroid photos, modern candy,and modern costumes

WARNING— SEVERE LONG INTRODUCTION IF YOU WISH TO SKIP TO THE PART WHERE THEY MEET PLEASE LOOK FOR A * which will be put right before the paragraph where the story actually kinda begins-

"Mahi! Mahi! Sora is telling scary stories again! Make him stop!" The youngest brother of the Kozumi family was jumping down the stairs and landed in Mahiru's arms. "Is he now? Where is this event held?" He pointed up the stairs, "your room! He's showing us all those pictures.." the boy shuddered before beginning to bawl, "again?! Ooh I'm going to have that twerps head!" Mahiru scowled before marching up the oak stairs, she heard her younger siblings muffled screaming and crying and the laughing from her barely younger brother, she put her hand in the knob, before pausing, she decided to wait and see what he was telling them before she entered, she slid down the door, pressing one ear against the wood, "and then the children were thrown in the oven, one by one!" More shrieking, a few giggles from what she guessed were the older siblings, "alright, has anybody ever told you about the witch up the road? If you go to the butchery, take a left, head into the woods, and follow the dirt trial, you'll arrive at a large, boarded up house, one that used to belong to a young girl, known for her physic dancing, everybody thought she was a one day, they brought her to the river, and threw her in, connected to a moldy hour, two hours, three hours,they pulled her up, and she was dry, bone dry, not only that..she was ALIVE" a few gasps, "so they took her to the stake, and BURNED HER, but she only giggled, calling them obscenities, promising revenge in them and their descendants, she yelled to all of them that if they treated her differently, she could've granted their every desire, wish, and want, and each year, on each Halloween or witch burning, her spirit would return as a beautiful young woman, she would appear on the road right near her boarded house, and at first, she would come back and kill one entire family line who appeared at the burnings, but then she decided to only kill the oldest child from the biggest family who's ancestor laughed at her burning ...and our great great GREAT grandfather, Khan Kozumi was the first to chuckle! And now she hunts for our BLOOD!" Screams and laughter came from the room, she stood up, sighing, before entering her room, hands on hips "alright, get out, squirt. You've scared the little ones long enough, it's Halloween, they should be getting cavities and eating sugary sh*t. Shoo! Get your costumes on and ring doorbells!" She waved her hands towards the door and they all scrambled to get out except for her her older sister and Sora. "Whatsa matter? Afraid of a lil ghost story?" Sora leaned into her face, his breath smelled like stale dog food, she waved a hand in front of her nose "take a mint! And no, I don't care about the stories, it's when ya do them in my fucking room that I care!" She whacked him on the shoulder and he yelped "alright buster, you heard her, out out!" Her only older sister, Sakari, pokes him in the back as he left, complaining all the way. "Sorry I didn't wave him out sooner, but it was 1 to 6 and you know how resilient Sora and our brothers are. Besides, with dad on his hunt and mom knocked out downstairs, your really the only one who can scare the littles" Mahiru groaned, "she out? Again? That means we have to take everybody around the neighborhood!" Sakari smiled sympathetically "it'll be fun? We'll get to see all the cute little kids in costumes and say hello to all the neighbors!" She sighed, "gimme a minute, I'll meet you out front" she nodded.

Mahiru came out to the rest of her siblings sitting on the edge of the porch, They all ranged from 3 to 21. From second husbands to third wives. "Alright, are we all here? All 10? Good. Let's go" "10 and one baby!" Her eldest brother, Al, pointed out holding up the infant girl. "Nobody cares about your baby, Amani, so just shut up" replied the second oldest, Her 17 year old brother Duke pointed out, "you shut up!" They began to bicker "oh both of you zip your traps and get us some candy!" Called out Maria, a 12 year old dressed up as a pilgrim. Sakari rolled her eyes, "let's start on old mare, okay?" Sounds of agreement came from everybody.

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