Celestia x Junko drabble

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Not spell checked,short, random, more like a junko has a crush thing that's short developed, imm a do one with despair and one non despair
Non Despair:
Junko walked into her home room, books in both hands over the front of her skirt,she looked around trying to analyze each person, before breaking into a cheery "heyyo! Junko (I forgot her last name) has arriveddd!" She threw one hand into the air and posed, smiling widely, a few hellos and hi's were tossed her way, she walked to a seat relatively close to the back, she put her books down and looked up, the first person her eyes laid on was a pale girl with crazy large drills in her hair, she was wearing Lolita style clothes, as well as a strict poker face, Junkos heart raced, she was really pretty,the girl caught her staring and smirked, before waving and turning to talk with her, as they exchanged ultimates junko caught the suspicious and jealous eyes of a violet haired girl, she smiled and waved, the girl rolled her eyes at her and went back to her notebook, this was going to be a drama filled year.
Junko sat in her over-stuffed office chair, spinning around and watching the screens, WHEN was the filming going to start? When we're the ultimate what nots going to wake up?! She groaned, banging her head against the table, and as of on cue she heard a -click-, the sound of a camera turning on, she looked up quickly, camera number 4 was on, filming,a girl with fat black drills and a Lolita dress was on screen, celestia ludenburg she remembered her from when they were classmates, one of the only people to actually be kind to her during that time, the girl looked up, staring directly into the camera, junko frowned, she shouldn't know the cameras there, it's well hidden, she should be more focused on the room and those other boring questions like where and who am I and what's happening or whatever, and their brain wash machine should have destroyed her memory and deleted the very thought of being recorded "you'll have to try harder than that, junko baby." Ludenburg blew a kiss at the camera, before standing up, "now where did you put the others?the gym?" She started to walk towards the door, Junko came over her shock and hit the lock down button, immediately the door was slammed shut and robot hands came out and dragged her through a chute that had opened in the wall "REAL MATUREE" she shouted and she was dragged away, junko sighed, trying not to think about her good memories with the girl, she slid out of the chair, "I better go delete that part of the film..." she left the room, but her memories wouldn't leave.
That's it, my update. This is chapter 3, word count is 500, I'm losing motivation, bye.

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