Juliet Simmons

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Name: Juliet Simmons

Nickname: Jul

Looks: Brown hair and blue/purple eye's

Favorite thing to do: Duel, fool around, to hang out with friends and listen to music

Friends: Yugi Moto, Joey Wheler, Tea Gardner, Duke Devlin, Tristan Taylor, Ryou Bakura, Grampa Moto, Mokuba Kaiba and Seto Kaiba

Family: Little sister named Isabella Simmons

Personality: Some people say she’s like Kaiba in some ways, she is protective of her little sister, she sometimes does not play by the rules and she loves and also protects her friends and her little sister with her life. She’d rather die saving her sister and friends more then anything

Favorite color(s): Red, Black, Purple and Baby Blue

Crush: Seto Kaiba

Best friend(s): Yugi Moto, Tristan Taylor, Ryou Bakura, Tea Gardner, Mokuba Kaiba and Grampa Moto

Favorite band(s): Black Veil Brides, Three Day’s Grace, Blood On The Dance Floor, Paramore, We Came As Romans, Sleeping With Sirens and Asking Alexandria

Bio: She’s a nice girl, tends to act a lot like Seto Kaiba (But does not always mean it), she’s protective of her little sister (Just like Seto being protective of Mokuba), would do anything to keep her friends and sister happy, she sometimes has an anger issue (Again, also like Seto) and does not like bullies (Again, like Seto)

Thing’s that she does not like: Bullies, Rare hunters, Yami Marik (The evil Marik), Pegasus, Yami Bakura (But she knows Yami Bakura is the spirit of Ryou Bakura’s millennium ring), Liars, cheaters and jerks

She owns the Millennium Band (It’s a bracelet)

Age: 18 (Same age as Seto)

Secrets Of The Millennium Items (A Seto Kaiba Love Story) *Finished*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें