Chapter Eight: Dueling Kingdom Begining

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Finally arriving at Duelist Kingdome, we the limbo stops and we get out. My legs and arms crack as they finally get to walk around, instead of just sitting in a car for like ten hours. I turn around and face my boyfriend, his little brother and my little sister, they all get out of the limbo as well and then we are taken to our rooms. Seto and I get a room together, while Mokuba and Bella get one, we trust that nothing will happen with them two. They are best friend after all.

When we came into our room, I looked around, and Seto didn't do anything but put his briefcase down on the small table and walked over to me. "This is amazing" I say as I look around even more. "I am rich, I can get whatever room I want, no matter the price" Seto says and I just nod. 


"Welcome duelists! If you would please, come to the giant atrium" said someone over the intercom. I look at Seto and see that he is looking at the door, I become confused. "We should get going" he says and I nod, then follow him into the atrium. 

Once we got into the atrium, we saw other people pilling in, I had to kind of go close to Seto. Seto hugs me by putting an arm around me, and so I go as close to him as I could. Me holding onto him, and him having an arm around me, just holding me. 

Soon, I feel eyes on me, so I look over and see my friends. Joey, Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Duke and Ryou Bakura, all staring at me. Then, I feel someone pulling on my arm, looking down I see mine and Seto's baby siblings. Bella and Mokuba both look up at me and I smile down at them, then I see Seto notices they are there because I can see him looking down at them and them looking back up at him. 

Then we hear talking. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen" they said, "I am Maximillian Pegasus, the hosts of your even!" he says. He then looks at me for some reason, then winks. I start to get creped out. He started to explain the rules, if someone losses all their star chips and how they'll be kicked off the island, and how the duels will work. Then the last thing he explained was if someone has all ten starships, you will gain access into the castle, but then you will keep dueling until there is only one duelist left. Like if there was five duelists, and you get rid of the four, then you will duel against him, Pegasus. 

When he is done explaining things, we nod, like he saw. But I al pretty sure he did see a few, like the ones in the front row. Then, I look a head of me and see Yugi staring right at me, so I stare right back. I notice something, his eyes are more oval then they usually are, meaning Yami took over his body. The look of sadness glares through Yami's eyes as he looks at me. I look up at Seto and tell him I will be back.

"Alright" he says, and then lets me go. I walk over to Yami and he pulls me somewhere. When we stop, I look around, it looks like a room. (*So I am using my third oldest brothers computer because I might have broken mine. So don't mind the miss spelled words*) I look at Yami, he looks back at me. "What is it?" I ask him as he wraps his arms around me. "I need to talk to Iris" he says and I nod, then let Iris take over my body so she can talk to Yami.

-Iris's POV-

Juliet tells me that Yami wants to talk to me, "About what?" I ask her, she shakes her head. "He didn't say, he just said he needs to talk to you" she said and then disappears. I slowly nod and then take control of her body. "Iris" Yami says and then hugs and holds me as I look at him with curiousness hidden in my eyes. 

"What is it?" I ask, the curiousness coming out of my voice. "Marik is here" he says and my eyes widen, "Is he evil still?" I ask and then see him nod his head up and down, telling me a yes. That he is still evil. I sigh and have no idea what to do, "We need to stop him" I say, surprised that came out of my mouth, even when I couldn't really think of anything to stop him, even if that was possible. 

"The way we can defeat his evil side is to beat him in a duel, we need to win though" I say and then nod as I see him do the same. "Is that it? Because Juliet needs to go back to Seto" I say, he nods and then tells me goodbye. Then I finally let Juliet take her body back, and she takes it as I slowly fade away, but still in her bracalet, my spirit attached to the piece of jewelry. 

-Juliet's POV-

I get my body back and Iris's spirit goes back into my piece of jewelry on my wrist. I look up at Yami and see that he has changed back into Yugi. We both look at each other and then I speak up, breaking the silence between us. "I must go back to Seto, he must be worried about me" I say as he nods, then I hear something, a whisper as I walk out of the room. "He must be sick like a dog" is what I heard, the whisper, but I didn't react to it.

It must've been Yugi, but I'm not sure if it was or not. I walk out of the hallways and then out of the hotel. I walk over to where I was before, and then see Seto, Mokuba and Bella standing there, Bella and Mokuba fooling around with each other and Seto just watching them. Him making sure that they don't get in trouble or run off. 

I walk over to them, Seto sees me first and then slowly walks over, making sure that he doesn't go to far away from the kids. He hugs me as we reach each other. Then he kisses my cheek and tells me how much he misses me. "I missed you too Seto" I say as I kiss his cheek back, making him feel extra loved, even by me and Mokuba. 

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