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My bare feet were barely recognizable from all the walking I've done, they were covered in dirt. I let out a hefty sigh, feeling the weight of emptiness befall me. I'd been walking aimlessly for over two hours now, it's dark out and I can't quite place where I am. I know I'm somewhere relatively close to my home. I dragged my tired body over to a bench just off the sidewalk, a street lamp being the only source of light.

"Fucking hell, I appreciate the wonderful wizard powers you gave me, but you failed to give me any details on what exactly I'd be coming back to!" I snapped angrily, hoping somehow that he could hear me speaking.

"My, my, such a feisty kitten." A witty voice replied from the darkness outside the light.

"Oh great, more freaky ass people hiding in the shadows, like seriously what is up with you people and speaking while your completely hidden from view. So what now, are you suppose to be the tooth fairy?" I was agitated, I didn't feel like having more problems to deal with at the moment.

"Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Nonetheless, I'll be generous and introduce myself, I'm Milo and I'll be your new caretaker!" He cheerfully said before strutting out of the shadows like a model on a runway. He has a tall, lanky build, with short blonde hair, shaved on both sides. What caught my eye the most was his rather strange but appeasing fashion sense, he wore a bright purple button up shirt with the biggest fur coat I've ever seen, the bright yellow pants nearly burning my eyes, all down to his knee high leather boots.

"Caretaker? Why the fuck do I need a caretaker?" I spit out at him, staring right into his big blue orbs.

"Daddy Lucy sent me to keep an eye on his little kitten! Something about you shouting and getting angry with your situation, sound familiar?" He said, his words full of spirit.

"Daddy Lucy?" Now that is priceless, big bad Lucifer has a not so great nickname huh? I chuckled inwardly.

"Yes! He's just gorgeous! His rock hard abs, smoldering amber eyes, and sharp jawline that could cut the hardest materials! I'm melting just thinking about him." Milo let out an exaggerated sigh, seeming dazed.

"So what's this whole caretaker thing about?" I questioned him, my brow arched in a confused manner.

"Basically sweetheart, Imma be your sugar daddy! You'll be living with me, free of charge, of course you still have to attend school yada yada. Just think of me as your new family!" He exclaimed with the clap of his hands, his body language screaming excitement. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with this guy, the only bright side to him being he talks a lot and it keeps my mind off..... other matters.

"Ok... so where's this house then?" I have no where else to go, might as well follow the strange man.

"Perfect! We'll be there in a flash!" After he said that he grabbed my shoulder and literally flashed us directly in front of a huge mansion.

"Holy shit." I was too shocked, teleporting is a thing? Not to mention I'm gonna be living in this big ass mother fucking house?!

"Now I know it's kind of small.... but it'll have to do for now! Come darling, we can pick up your things tomorrow after school." He ushered me along and inside the extravagant house. Still in my shocked state I managed to get a single word out.

"School?" I deadpanned.

"Of course! It'd be strange if you suddenly stopped going to school, you have to act like a normal human, while performing your responsibilities in secret. You'll learn in due time darling." It was way too much in one night.... I let out the biggest sigh I've ever held.

"It's gonna be a long fucking night."

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