Top or Bottom?

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Milo led me through numerous hallways, each layered with amazing designs, and high ceilings. "So kitten, are you a top or a bottom?" Milo asked out of the blue.

I nearly choked on my own spit. "..what?" Milo rolled his eyes, turning towards me and pursing his lips.

"Do you want top floor or bottom floor?" He snapped out.

"Oh umm, I guess top." I answered hesitantly. Milo squinted his eyes mischievously.

"Mhmm." He hummed, leading me up a beautiful spiral staircase at the end of the hall. We stopped in front a of dark wooden door, the handle being golden. Milo twisted the handle opening the door fully and gesturing to go in.

"If it doesn't suit your taste there's two more rooms on this floor and three downstairs." He informed me. I glanced around the room, it was huge. A giant king sized bed sat in the middle, tall windows lining the walls, a desk with an expensive looking computer sat in the corner. I walked towards another door in the room and opened it, realizing it was a deep walk in closet, sauntering out I opened the last mystery door in the room, surprised when I found a whole bathroom. A tall glass shower, a big tub, a golden toilet, and a double sink sat eloquently in the room.

"Holy shit, this room will be fine. It's got a fucking golden toilet." I planned out to Milo, who just smirked at me.

"Yes it does, if you need anything I'll be in the furthest room to the left of the entryway downstairs. You're free to explore or do whatever you want in here, just don't forget our talk outside. I'll leave you to it kitten." He explained.

"My names Row- Rook." I said to him, I didn't like the whole kitten thing, it just didn't suit my look.

"Ok kitten." And with that he closed the door. I glared at him through the door, having a feeling the kitten name is gonna stick with him.

I walked over to the king sized bed immediately letting my body fall flat on the impossibly soft, velvet sheets. I groaned at the feeling, glancing at the computer screen and realizing it was two in the morning and I apparently had school tomorrow. I let my eyes fall shut, not caring if I was still in a hospital gown, I was just so tired.


BAM! I jumped up, falling out of my bed and onto the hard floors. I grumpily looked over to see the overly cheerful Milo standing at my door with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What the fuck man? Did you really have to slam my door open?" I glared at him.

"Good morning kitten!" He said in a sing song voice.

"It would've been a good morning had you not scared the shit out of me." I said.

"Oh well, you're fine, I have some clothes for you to wear seeing as your stuff is still at your house." He threw me a white hoodie, black skinny jeans, black vans, and a super lacy set of black undergarments.

"Whoa, what's up with all the lace here." I said pointing to the bra and panties in my hand.

"What do you mean? It's gorgeous! Lucifer didn't want to pick out your undies, so he asked me to, and I couldn't help myself!" He smiled widely at me.

"Umm thanks I guess?" I questionably said. Taking the clothes into the bathroom with me and turning the shower on hot. After stripping my clothes off, something caught my eye in the mirror. I turned to face it, looking down towards the right side of my abdomen and hip. There were black lines, spiraled in designs, tracing my hip and side. I didn't know what they meant or where they came from, I ran my hand over the marks, a tingling feeling at the tips of my fingers. I noted to ask Milo about it after my shower, maybe he'd know something. After examining my weird tribal voodoo witch tattoo, I hopped into the steaming shower, relaxing at the feeling.

"Kitten! School starts in twenty minutes, hurry up!" I heard Milo shout through the door.

"Yeah yeah! I'm coming!" I yelled back, finished with my shower and completing my outfit. Slipping into my skinny jeans, and tying my shoes. I ran out the door and down the spiral staircase. I smelled pancakes? Maybe some bacon? I followed the scent and was led into a big kitchen area, marble counters, another huge ass chandelier, where do they get these things. Milo was sitting at the table sipping on what I presumed to be coffee. I didn't even notice there was a literal chef at the stove until I glanced down from the chandelier.

"Over here kitty! We have pancakes, bacon, eggs, anything you want." Milo gestured to come closer. I walked over to the table and took a seat, grabbing some bacon and pancakes. Drizzling syrup over my pancakes and digging in. I didn't realize I was so hungry.

"Whoa there kitten, don't choke." I looked up at Milo who was grinning at me.

After chewing my food I said "I have some weird ass tribal tattoo on my side, is that normal?"

"Hell if I know, I'm a just a demon servant, serving our wonderful king! Sir Daddy Lucy! You'd probably have to ask him, which isn't possible at the moment." He smiled.

"Ok... umm how am I getting to school?" I asked another question.

"You have your license right?" He asked.

"Yeah, not that I have much experience behind the wheel." I told him.

"Good enough." He tossed me a set of keys. "It's the black fancy lookin one with red accents in the garage!"

After I was finished eating I walked out into the garage, finding three extremely nice cars. I looked at the black one Milo mentioned, it was a dodge demon, and looked pretty cool. I got in and pressed a button to start it. The engine roaring to life.

"Wow. This'll be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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