Invites and Hugs

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Don't forget to go Vote guys and disclaimer: I am planning on updating this book again today already.

Chandler's POV

      Ever since I left their house a three hours ago, I've been trying to occupy myself with random things to do so I don't overthink myself into a panic attack.

       Even though Cassie told me that Chris thought about me and that he still loves me, I can't help the feeling that things aren't going to go the way we hope. It's been threes years since I broke his heart and even if he does still love me that doesn't mean he wants to be with me again.

       But the brightest surprise out of all of this is Cassie. I don't even know where to begin with that man. He's so sweet and caring and understanding and so fuck sexy.

        I never thought that I would find someone to love or ever have anyone else grab a piece of my heart that wasn't Chris. Especially his second. And yet, here I am with blushing cheeks and a sweet warm feeling that fills me whenever Cassie and I hang out.

        In all reality, I think we began to get lost in each other rather than think about how we were going to talk to Chris. In fact, I think we almost kissed yesterday. The two of us had met up after work at the park and had begin walking around and talking like we usually do. I had tripped and of course he caught me. And when I looked up his chocolate perfect eyes were staring down at me and I found the both of us leaning forward. Until a dumb fuck in a skateboard came and almost ran us other.

         The kiss was lost in the wind after that.

          I'm going along my apartment as I try to keep myself ima good mood and not go down the depressing thoughts of the three of us not working out.

           Because what Cassie told me was true. I've been kissing a piece of me ever since I walked away from Chris and meeting Cassie fills another I didn't even know was there. When I'm around the two of them, even when Chris didn't know what was going on, I always felt so happy and calm. And I could be myself.

            I'm tired of being the tough guy that doesn't feel anymore.

           Because I do feel.

           I want to giggle with Cody and Cora and freak out over baby stuff with Chloe. I want to year my walls down and be myself again or having to worry about getting hurt again and getting too attached to someone.

           I want to get some life back in my life again.

           As I'm thinking all of this and stressing myself out as I walk back and forth, my phone that's sitting on the counter suddenly rings. I jump in surprise as I look at the phone vibrating on the counter. I know I should pick up, but my fear of what the answer could be has me freezing in my spot.

          Just as the phone is about to ring out I reach out and pick it up, hesitantly raising it to my ear. "Hello?"

           "Chan." The voice on the other side ain't Cassie but Chris, his deep smooth voice making me want to cry. Even though I've been around them, the two of us have barely spoken. And hearing him say my name brings back so many memories it makes me want to cry.

            "Yes?" I say and I don't mean for it to come out in a whisper but the fear inside me stops me from speaking up.

           "Come back over. We're missing you." He tells me and my breath catches in my throat as I put together what he's saying.

            "Do... Does this mean...?" I try to ask him if he's serious but I can't seem to get to words to fall from my throat and into the air to be heard and answered. His chuckle falls into my ears and he figured out what I'm trying to say.

          "Yes Chan. This means that I want to give this a shot. If your still willing, I want the three of us to fix each other. Maybe we can all learn how to love a little better." He says and my heart explodes in my chest as pure happiness fills me. I don't have to be alone anymore. As long as I don't fuck this up, this could be my chance to be and stay happy forever.

          This is my chance to rewrite my story and make sure that that this time, I get the story and the ending that I deserve.

          The thoughts of Chris saying yes is still processing in my head so when he speaks again, I jump in fear and surprise, forgetting where I am for a moment. "You still alive over there?" He asks with a nervous chuckle and I realize that he's waiting for me to confirm that this is still what I want.

         "Yes. Yes I want this. I want you. I want Cassie. Yes." I breathe, the words sounding like music to my ears and I swear I can hear him smile on the other end of the phone.

           "Well we're waiting for you." He says and he says goodbye. As soon as he hangs up I scream my happiness, running around my living room before I throw myself on the couch in relief and joy. I have my second chance. This is my eventually. When all my friends kept trying to tell me it was coming, I thought it was because they wanted to make me feel better. They wanted to have faith in me.

           But they were right all along.

            Remembering that they're waiting for me, I quickly climb off of the couch and go to my room, hopping around to get my shoes on
my feet before finding my wallet and keys. Once those are in my pockets I go back to the living room to grab my phone. My chest is a little achy today, but I ignore it, grateful of the reminder of how far I've come.

            I hurry and grab my keys from my pocket before licking my door and heading out my apartment and down the one flight of stairs.

           I walk to my car with a smile on my face and I see a few people turn to look at me. They're a few of my workers. It must be weird to see me with a smile on my face. I laugh to myself as I get in my car and start it up, putting my seatbelt on before I'm off.
           The whole ride over there I'm beside myself in nerves and happiness, anxious to get there. I'm not quite sure how we will do this or what exactly will happen and frankly I don't care. As long as the three of us try and work together and be together and I don't overthink my wya into fucking this up, we'll be fine. And I have so much faith that this is our time to finally be okay.

            I guess I've been spending too much time with Cassie.

            When I get to their side of town and find their street, I turn into their driveway before I park and make my way out of the car. With excited but anxious steps I make my way to the door but before I can knock, it's thrown open and I'm pulled into two sets of strong arms.

           The door is closed and when my eyes focus I'm caught between Cassie behind me and Chris in front of me as they hold me to them. "Oh I've missed you." Chris whispers as he holds the both of us close to him and I lean my head on his chest as Cassie leans his on my shoulder.

             "We can all be okay now." Cassie tells me form behind me and suddenly, I know, I'm finally home.

Filler Chapter

Ahhh guys I love this so much. I really need to eat something lmaooo. After these last two chapters i'm definitely going to take a nap. I will be back to writing by 4 at the latest. But it'll probably be before then.



QOTD: French fries or waffle fries?

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