Kicking and Soothing

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Cassie's POV

The five of us are sitting at the island eating, well at least three of us are whole the other two just pick at the food as if it's inedible.

Chan beside me is almost shaking in anxiety and I'm no better. Neither of Chris' parents have hid their distain for either one of us and now that we're all together, I can only imagine how much of a shit show this breakfast is going to turn out.

Chris is trying his hardest for it not to though. As soon as his mother said something about why the three of us were all together, he showed us all into the kitchen where he finished making the food and asked his parents questions about their meetings and the places they've been while handling important Faerie duties.

As much as he doesn't talk about it, I know that he wished that he had a better relationship with his family. I also know he thinks that it would come easier if his parents got along with his significant other but their too stubborn to accept who their Faerie Queen chose for him and I'm too fucking prideful to bow down and beg for them to like me. And my sweet baby just looks like he would rather be anywhere but here and I feel his pain.

As much as Chris has tried to keep the peace it doesn't last long as his parents give up on trying to appear like they're eating and set down their forks, wiping their mouth with a napkin.

And, like always, it's his mother then begins the conversation, her husband always there to watch and support whatever chaos and pain she causes.

"So how did you three living here together happen?" She asks and she appears to be making an effort to be polite but I don't trust it even as Chris straightens a bit and gives an attempt at a smile.

"Actually, mother, the three of us have decided to try a three way relationship." He says and though I know he desperately wants his parents to be involved in his life, I want to smack him for throwing the three of us to the wolves in his eagerness.

"Oh?" His mom says, glancing at her husband with raised brows and I watch as she clasps her hands and placed them on the table. "So Chandler is supposed to be joining you and Cassian's relationship then?" She asks as if a little in disbelief and I drop my hand below the table to rest on Chan's knee that's begun bouncing next to me.

"Yes. It was Cassie's idea. The three of us have been together happily for over a month now." He tells her proudly.

And though I wish he would shut up and read the room, I feel my heart soften at the joy and tenderness in his eyes as he tells his parents about her.

"Well, this is not the news I was expecting to come back to. You don't tell us about your life anymore Christopher." His dad says and I roll my eyes before answering for him.

"Maybe if you showed up to the monthly dinner that you make us have like you're supposed to, you would be well informed of what's going on in your child's life." I tell them and his mother glares at me but I say strong. I hate it when the two try to blame Chris for their own lack of effort into their family.

"Don't try to patronize me Cassian. I have no doubt that at the first sign of trouble you'll go running just like your new boy toy over there." His mother sharks and I want to smack the bitch across the room.

And the conversation goes on I see Chan sink further and further into himself as his head lowers and it's like the pain that Chris and I worked so hard for us returning because of ten minutes with the most disgusting people I know. I raise my hand form his knee to his hand and hold it tightly as I defend him form Chris' family.

"Don't talk to the two of them like that." Chris says with a frown and I raise my eyebrows. In all the time that we've been together he's just let his parents say what they please, only standing up for us at the beginning before giving up. But now I see his blue eyes begin to grow a little brighter as he protects the two of us form his parents hateful glare.

"Don't be sensitive, Christopher, I'm only stating facts. The three of you get together and what? Chandler gets scared and leave the two of you? Cassian becomes drunk again? You claim to get depressed when you're only moping over a slut?" His mother counted her rant of hate and it's Chandler to my surprise that makes a stand.

"Get out of our house and don't come back ever." He says as he looks up form his lap with tears in his eyes and fire in his green gaze.

"This is not your house, boy." His father declares and I go to say something but my baby apparently has it all handle.

"Wherever Chris and Cassie are, that it my house and home. This is where hate and spiteful bitchy people are not welcomed. You do not shit on your son and his lovers and then declare to be respected. So get the fuck out of our home and go neglect your other job since you seem so fucking good at that." He tells the two sitting across from us and his mom opens her mouth with anger but Chris cuts her off.

"You're done disrespecting me, my house and anyone I chose to love. If Kayla wants to put up with your shit, fine, but don't come around here anymore. The three of us will be just fine." He tells them and I watch as the dad raises form his seat and helps his Knot up that seems hellbent on ruining our little slice of heaven that the three of us have finally found.

"Don't call me when you get your heart broken again, Christopher." She sneers and I laugh at her making her turn her face towards me.

"We will be just fine thank you. Now see yourself out and if I see you here again, you'll find out just how bad a Warlock can be." I warn them and his mom squares her shoulder before she turns on her heel and walks away angrily with his dad following. We wait for a few minutes and as soon as we hear the door open and slam close, we all relax.

"Oh fuck I need a nap." I declare as I bang my head on the table and I hear Chan take a shuddering breath beside me.

"Cassie, please tell me we don't have to go through your family too." He says and I laugh loudly before picking up my head and shaking it at him with a tired smile.

"Oh no, baby. We haven't talked in years so we're all good." I tell him and he nods befor we both turn to Chris who is looking at the two of us with sad but prideful eyes.

"I'm sorry it took me years to stand up to them." He says and Chan climbs down from his stool before going over to our lover and holding his hand. I follow him over to Chris and wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind him and rest my head next to his.

"I'm sorry you went through that for so long." I tell him and Chan pipes in next.

"It's okay though. We'll take care of you now." He says and I laugh before agreeing with him and Chris cracks a smile before pulling Chan between his legs.

"I got so fucking lucky with the two of you." He tells us and I feel my heart melt as I turn my head to give him a kiss andChan reaches up to grab one of my hands.

"Don't worry. We both feel the same way." I tell him and Chan nods as we stand there and enjoy each other before I just can't take it anymore. "Can we go lay down now?" I ask in exasperation and Chan giggles as he pretends to faint in Chris' arms who catches him and laughs at us.

"I think I'll have to be carried." Chan says and he fans his face and Chris shakes his head as he stands up as I pull away form his body and grins at the two of us.

"Come on. I think we deserve a nice day full of movies and candy." He says and Chan and I cheer out in glee and he carries out small baby upstairs and I follow behind him, the stupid fucks from earlier all but forgotten.

Fuck his parents. And dudes let me tell you a bath literally fixed everything. The last chapter took me an hour to write in bed but in the bath I knocked this out in 35 minutes. You guys should definitely invest.



QOTD: Are you excited for Zay's book? I haven't updated in a week so i am!

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