Trips and Pouting

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Chandler's POV
      "I think you should stay home." Chris tells me as I begin packing my bags for my trip and Cassie agrees as he sits on the bed doing his hair.

       "We talked about this. Girls weekend. I'll be back in two days." I tell them and they both groan at the response.

       While I was with my family at Jonah's birthday party we were all complaining about never seeing each other for longer than an hour or two, a night at most. We have all been so busy with our kids and significant others that we haven't really gotten a chance to catch up about life and simply relax with each other.

     And so of course we all came up with the first to spend a weekend away at the beach house Ares got for him and Thomas a few months ago.

    To say everyone's men are being big babies about us is an understatement. While everyone wants to talk about how clingy bottoms are, it's clear they've never met a top that truly loves their lover. They will hold on and literally never let you go. Like ever.
    "Why the whole weekend? Sunday's are our days." Chris says with a pout, though I know he would never admit to it.

     "Well we're leaving today as soon as everyone gets off of work. And tomorrow is a full day of relaxing since we don't have to drive. We'll be back Sunday afternoon and I promise to give you all the love that you'll miss." I tell the two but Cassie holds an accusing finger at me.

      "You said you would be home two days. That's three." He says and I roll my eyes at his lack of the ability to do simple math.

      "Half of Friday, all of Saturday and half of Sunday. Two halves make a whole, sweetie." I tell him, reaching over to pack his arm and he smacks my hand away before turning away from me. "You two are just big babies." I tell them and Chris scoffs.

       "And what about it?" He asks sassily and it makes me snort in amusement.

        "You will be find without me. Just do what you did before I got here and I'll be back in no time." I try to assure them and Chris looks at me form his spot on the floor with raised eyebrows.

        "Cry and be depressed?" He says and Cassie snorts before answering as well.

        "Feel dull and half dead?" He ask and I just stare at them. 

         "Okay.... how about you do what you do while I'm at work?" I try again and Chris looks at me like I'm the dumbest person ever.

       "Wait for you to come back and complain about how long you've been gone?" He asks and I shake my head at him in awe. I guess the abandonment issues is my fault after what happened a few years ago. So in all I guess I have no room to complain.

        "If it makes you feel better, I'll miss you two too. And I'll think about you ever day." I tell them but Cassie looks at me skeptically as he flips his hair back into place, apparently some with it.

         "I don't know about that. I'm told that girls trips are all about staring at other men, gossip and more staring." He says and I think about it, trying not to make a promise I can't keep before I settle on one. I reach across the bed again and hold his hand in mine, looking at him solemnly.

       "But I will still be thinking about you. I promise to compare any man I see to both of you and I will know that they would never match up." I tell him and he smiles at me lightly before grabbing my hand in turn.

     "Fuck you." He tells me sweetly and I laugh before turning to Chris who is sitting on the floor with his legs wide and arms spread out behind him, supporting him up.

      "You have to call us every night. And when you get there." He says before he frowns and adds more to the list. "And be safe on the drive, don't distract each other." He begins to rant off things for me to do and I set down the shirt I was folding before going to sit between his legs on the floor. I hold his face in my hands before I lean forward so that his blue eyes meet my green ones.

      "Chris, I'm coming back, okay? It's only for two days. I'll call and text you all day, even if they make fun of me for it, okay?" I tell him soothingly and he sighs before pressing his forehead to mine.

       "Okay." He says and I kiss him quickly before going to continue packing.


     "I'll see you in a few days. " I tell Chris, squeezing him extra hard and he nuzzles his face into my neck as he hugs me back just as tight.

     "Call me?" He asks and I give him a soft smile.

     "Always." I promise before pulling away and going to hug Cassie. "Take care of him please." I tell him, standing on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses the side of my head making me smile softly.

     "Of course." He tells me and with one last wave to both of them, I roll my suitcase behind me as I make my way to the mini van we rented just for this occasion. I open the trunk and put it in the last available spot before closing it and hoping into the back. I wave at my men as we pull over before turning to my friends.

      "Oh the beach doesn't know what's about to hit them." Cora says from in front of me and the car instantly fills with laughs and talks of how much fun we're going to have.

      We take turns driving and sleeping in the road and after a few hours, we finally pull into the driveway of the beach house.

       "Holy shit, Thomas. Ares got this for the two of you?" Chloe whistles in awe as the rest of us get our bags out and stare at the huge beach house sitting on the sand.

       The Vampire chuckles as he grabs the keys from his bag and begins to lead the way to the house. "We got it for our future family and for the one we have now. This is for us." He says and I can feel everyone smile a bit at the warmth in his tone.

      He unlocks the door sand everyone coos and gasps at the decor inside. While everyone gushes about the inside and the view I'm sure to call my men to make sure I'm okay before bowing kisses and hanging up. We waste no time in shedding our clothes for bathing suits and heading down to the beach where we all sit on chairs and people watch, our favorite activity.

     "You see the white guy over there, gray trunks, brown hair?" I ask and I watch as my friends turn their heads slightly and catch the man I'm talking about.

      "The one with a tattoos? I'm a sucker for them." Thomas sighs and we all agree with hums of approval.

       "That's spicy white. White chocolate instead of vanilla." Cora says and our friends burst out in laughter at her words, her input always the highlight of my day.

        "He's a bottom though." Cody says quietly and I scoff.

       "There's no why. Look at him, he's perfect. Definitely daddy material." I disagree and he smacks his teeth before nodding to the man the guy in gray shorts walks up to. He has about four inches on the other man and he is filled with muscles.

      I still have hope that maybe he's just a smaller top when the second man grabs him by the ass and pulls him in for a deep kiss making gray shorts blush.

     "Ugh, all the good ones are bottoms." Chloe groans and Cora chimes in with a "duh" tone.

      "And that's why there's so many of them that hate men. Tops are trash. We bitches got lucky." She says and I snort in laughter before raising my drink.

      "To getting lucky." I call and everyone laughs before raising their drinks as well before we sip and enjoy our afternoon in the sun.

A short chapter. I'm getting sleepy. I think I'll do a short story chapter and post the polls on the second page and the chapters I have done before gts. I'll probably wake up in the middle of the night and work a little more.



QOTD: Do you know how to swim?

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