Domesticity and Teasing

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Chris' POV

When I open my eyes the next morning, the sun is beaming in them softly and it's Sunday, making it the perfect day in my book. When I look down, I find Chan nuzzled into my side, one of his arms thrown over me as Cassie spoons him form behind.

It's been so long I had almost forgotten what's happened felt like. But this, this goes beyond happiness. This is perfection.

Though I know both Cassie and Chan like to fuck like bunnies, and I have more than enough stamina for it, I wasn't quite sure how to bring up the whole sex thing so when Chan offered to lay down, I knew where it was headed and I was grateful.

That was one of the best fucking orgasms I've ever had.

It feels amazing to wake up in the morning smelling of both Cassie and Chan and it's something I hope to continue for a long time, even if we haven't had that discussion yet.

Deciding to do something nice for the passed out boys in my bed, I get up, slowly removing Chan's arm that's around my torso and slide out from beneath the covers. The Incubus frowns when he doesn't feel my heat anymore and I watch with an amused gaze as he turns over to my baby and the two of them cuddle closer together.

Fucking adorable.

Leaving form beside the bed, I walk towards the dresser and pull out a pair of shorts do I'm not walking around the house naked, though that would be something to try.

For a later date.

Throwing one last smile to my boys, I leave the room and make my way down the stairs after I close the door behind me. Walking into the kitchen, I turn on the light and begin to make breakfast for my two sleepy heads laying around in bed. When I check the time I see it's seven and I begin to think about what we can do today that doesn't involve laying around the house lazily all day.

I open the fridge and grab some eggs, bacon and some milk and butter, thinking about going all out for my loves.

It's been a while since I've been in the kitchen or even felt good enough to get myself up on a weekend to do anything in general besides mope around. It feels good to feel happy again and not have to beat myself up over loving someone I should. It feel so good to know that the two people that have done everything for me are laying in my bed, cuddling feeling loved and sated.

Though I was hesitant at first if this thing, this throuple between us would even work, I'm seeing now that this can be the best thing that happens to us if we let it.

And I have no intentions on letting this go. So maybe, just like Chan took the first step last night, it's time that I take the next one today.

I will never be able to thank Cassie enough for what he did for the three of us but I will spend the rest of my days together trying. I crack some eggs and whisk them in a bowl, seasoning them good before I throw them in the skillet. Knowing the two of them like their eggs the same, a fact that help haunt me away from making breakfast, I make sure to scramble them softly.

Once the eggs are done I put them in the oven on low heat to keep them warm before I begin cooking the bacon. Not liking the idea of hot oil popping on to my chest, I grab an apron and tie it around my body before I start laying down the thick slices of bacon in the pan.

I'm about halfway threw with them, the eggs and pancakes already made, when I hear the patter of feet coming down the stairs and I smile, already knowing the bacon was going to wake them up.

I turn around to greet them and my heart melts when I see Cassie leading the way with messy bed hair and Chan follows, his hand gripping on to Cassie's shirt as he rubs his eyes sleepily. I smile at them and to myself softly as I pull out two plates and begin making their food. Once they have their breakfast, I grab the plates and place them in front of them with a fork and napkin.

"Thank you." Chan says with a wide grin and half shut eyes and I chuckle at him.

"You're welcome, love." I tell him before turning to Cassie with a raised brow. He grunts at me and I accept it, knowing that's the most I'm going to get out of him at the moment. He's never been a morning person so I know for a fact that it was Chan's idea to drag the Warlock out of bed to go with him to find the delicious smell of food.

Thinking to myself, I finish up the cooking and set aside the pan to be washed before I stand up on the other side of the counter and watch Chan and Cassie finish their plates.

And with a prayer to the Goddess that I I'm not fucking this up, I open my mouth to utter the thoughts that haven't let my brain. "I wanted to talk to the two of you about something." I start but of course it's not that easy.

"It was Cassie's fault, I didn't do it!" Chan says immediately and I raise my brow in confusion before looking at Cassie who looks like a deer caught in headlight, his bite of pancakes hovering between his mouth and plate. I turn back to Chan with a serious expression.

"What's Cassie's fault?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I'm not sure yet but whatever you're about to say, I'm ninety seven people sure I had nothing to do with it." He says and I snicker as Cassie becomes curious.

"Why only ninety seven?" He asks and Chan looks at him like that's the dumbest question ever.

"Because I don't know what he's talking about. Keep up, dear." He says, patting Cassie's hand and it makes me burst out laughing as I shake my head in amusement.

"No one is in trouble but at least I know not to do a crime around you." I say and he shrugs before going back to eating. "No, I wanted to talk about us... The three of us." I say and all movement stops as the two of them look up at me with nervous gazes.

"Is something wrong?" Cassie asks and I shake my head, reaching across the counter to grab the free hand of both Cassie and Chan.

"Everything is perfect. It's so perfect that I wanted to talk to the two of you about maybe making this a permanent thing. I know it's only been a week but fuck. I haven't felt this happy in so long." I tell the two of them and I watch as tears brush both of their eyes.

"We can keep him?" Cassie says hopefully and Chan smacks his arm.

" If he lets us." I say with a anxious smile and Chan looks down at the table in contemplation. In the whole five seconds that his eyes leave mine I want to cry, laugh and throw up in nerves. Then finally, finally he looks back up and answers the question with his own.

"Does this mean that I get to be called boyfriend now. Because if so I won't except any other term of endearment." He says and I breath out the biggest sigh of relief as Cassie picks Chan up and begins to press kisses all over his face as he laughs in delight.

And I watch the two of them with pride, happiness and the beginnings of love, not for them separately, something I already had, but them together as mine.

Whew okay I'm all spent out on this book. Give me about 18 hours and I'll get back in the game. Now it's time for my favorite upcoming book. I hope you guys loved the updates today. I've missed my days off so this was a treat.



QOTD: Big Time Rush or Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide?

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