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"what?!? That can't be the end, how did you escape? What was the flash? What happened to the mysterious man? What happened to Alex? You can't just leave it at that." Kaz complained.

"It's just hard for me, the memories, what I did."

"it's okay, you don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want to."

"No, no. You should know the rest."

Cassie was standing in front of the mysterious man. The loss of her parent's fuelled her and she lost control. A bright light emitted from her centre, she could no longer see what she was doing, her body worked on reflexes alone. The light surrounded the room and felt like a scolding hot fire - which comforted her, the sense of warmth that encased her reminded her of her parents, their skin was always warm from the fire in their veins, their scent was indistinguishable, like a blazing bonfire and an old oak tree.  Though the light seemed to last an eternity, it was over in a second, nay, more like a millisecond.  Cassie's eyes soon adjusted to the now dark lit room, a room that scorch marks growing up the walls and ceilings. There was all but one sign off the man, a burnt glove that lied on the floor smoking. Cassie looked everywhere but didn't find any more residence of the man or her parents. She stopped with the sudden realisation of horror over what she had done. Cassie started to panic but stopped herself, there was no time for that now. She had to get back to Alex.

Cassie jumped back to the park, under the old tree. She found her sibling, they were so young back then. Huddled in a ball crying, Cassie found Alex. Cassie helped them stand on their feet and pulled them into a hug. They were all they had left. And from that moment on they fended for themselves. And from that moment on Cassie swore to never become a hero to keep her loved ones safe. And from that moment on Alex swore to become a hero to keep everyone safe.

"That's my sad, twisted little story, that got my parents and my sibling killed, and the story of how i became a murderer. Being a hero only kills people."

"Then be the type of hero that changes that.  Your powers are beyond anything seen in this world. Use them, stop being afraid of what they hold and embrace them. There are so many people you could save. All it takes is a push."

"It won't be easy, my powers are unstable and i don't even know what half of them can do."

"Then we better start practising." Kaz held out his hand to signal a deal between him and Cassie that they were now partners, that he would help her no matter what, and that he will help her get justice for her family.

A heroic love (Kaz Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now